junhoyeo / BetterOCR

🔍 Better text detection by combining multiple OCR engines (EasyOCR, Tesseract, and Pororo) with 🧠 LLM.
MIT License
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I want use chatgpt-3.5 api #27

Open NhatAnh1708 opened 6 months ago

NhatAnh1708 commented 6 months ago

Can you help me to modified the source code to run with chatgpt-3.5 api. I don't want to use the gpt-4. Thanks

junhoyeo commented 6 months ago

Hello @NhatAnh1708! You're able to utilize any model option available in the OpenAI API, including gpt-4, gpt-4-turbo-preview, and gpt-3.5-turbo. Detailed descriptions can be found here: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/text-generation.

Usage is here (already using gpt-3.5-turbo): https://github.com/junhoyeo/BetterOCR?tab=readme-ov-file#-usage-wip