juniorguru / chick

A real-time, synchronous Junior Guru Discord bot
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Bot should manage #cv-github-linkedin channel #22

Closed honzajavorek closed 5 months ago

honzajavorek commented 1 year ago

The #cv-github-linkedin channel is a "forum" type channel. From the API it behaves almost like a regular channel, with the exception that is has only threads and nothing else: https://docs.pycord.dev/en/master/api/models.html#discord.ForumChannel To support engagement and information spread, we want to achieve the following behavior:

When user starts a new post in this channel, the bot immediately adds first message to each such new thread. The message would contain a canned text which tells the person that these pages exist and they should read it:

The posts can have tags. The message wouldn't appear if the post is tagged only as a "dotaz".

Everyone who has the role "Radím s psaním CVček" would be added to the thread (regardless tags). There is already a function implementing the adding: https://github.com/juniorguru/juniorguru-chick/blob/3bdfa24cb96fdeacf1a70584e699e63983e4da9f/juniorguru_chick/lib/threads.py#L47

In overall, the behavior is very similar to what happens in the #ahoj channel, except that the type of the channel is different (text vs forum, honestly I'm not sure whether it has any consequences for the code) and that no emojis need to be added.

honzajavorek commented 5 months ago

Most of the stuff is in place now, but the main objective isn't achieved yet - there's no message under the threads. But given some changes in direction of the bot I think it should be there only in case people submit CVs for review and contain info only about CVs specifically. I wouldn't care about tags much, I'd detect it by the fact that people attach PDF to the starting message.

honzajavorek commented 5 months ago

Completed by now.