URL http://ant.apache.org/manual/OptionalTasks/junit.html is dead. Use
up-to-date URL for documentation of Ant's JUnit task in file 'faq.fml'.
This is similar to commit 24dfdd76 (Fix dead link to the ant task in FAQ
(#1478), 2017-08-08).
I've stumbled by accident upon my fork of junit4 repository, which I created way back in 2017, and while trying to remember what I've done with it (PR #1478, commit 24dfdd76), I have discovered that a similar dead link is present in more places. So here's a fix for that.
URL http://ant.apache.org/manual/OptionalTasks/junit.html is dead. Use up-to-date URL for documentation of Ant's JUnit task in file 'faq.fml'. This is similar to commit 24dfdd76 (Fix dead link to the ant task in FAQ (#1478), 2017-08-08).
I've stumbled by accident upon my fork of junit4 repository, which I created way back in 2017, and while trying to remember what I've done with it (PR #1478, commit 24dfdd76), I have discovered that a similar dead link is present in more places. So here's a fix for that.