junjunlab / scRNAtoolVis

Useful functions to make your scRNA-seq plot more cool!
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Error in UseMethod("filter") #31

Open HaixJiang opened 9 months ago

HaixJiang commented 9 months ago

Hello, author. I encountered the following issue while using the R package you developed. Could you please advise on how to resolve it?

jjVolcano(diffData = ppp,
          log2FC.cutoff = 0.25,
          size  = 4, 
          fontface = 'italic', 
          #aesCol = c('purple','orange'), 
          tile.col = colour, 
          #col.type = "adjustP", 
          topGeneN = 10
Error in UseMethod("filter") :
  no applicable method for 'filter' applied to an object of class "Seurat"