junkdog / artemis-odb

A continuation of the popular Artemis ECS framework
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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[FEATURE] Provide annotation-compatible constructors in IntervalSystem #652

Open cpbeto opened 2 years ago

cpbeto commented 2 years ago

I propose both IntervalSystem and IntervalIteratingSystem provide a constructor that takes only the parameter float interval.

For example:

public IntervalSystem(float interval) {
    this.interval = interval;

public IntervalIteratingSystem(float interval) {

I think this would make it more idiomatic to write extended systems, which use annotations for entity subscriptions. For example:

@All({Component1.class, Component2.class})
public class MyIntervalSystem extends IntervalIteratingSystem {

    public MyIntervalSystem(float interval) {
        // etc.

    protected void process(int entityId) {
        // etc.

... instead of calling super(null, interval).

Cheers :+1: