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Annotation Tool #123

Open lamepennies opened 11 months ago

lamepennies commented 11 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. We'll need an annotation tool/write option that's just for briefs/qc.

Describe the solution you'd like Until we get an rv like thing, we'll need to do this in Nuke. I was thinking a special write node that only renders jpegs based on annotations we do with a paint node. This could have a token that's easier to pick up for the packager or even to be read in our notes.

Ideally, be great to be able to:

Again, something to discuss more the best/easiest way.

aldmbmtl commented 11 months ago

Is this something that can be setup with the QC tool?

lamepennies commented 11 months ago

Lets discuss this more on our weekly.

skeleturtle commented 10 months ago

@aldmbmtl I will need to touchbase with you on how I can start working in hubble

Need to do the following: