Open Thejuampi opened 6 years ago
This issue is more complex than what can be seen at first hand.
In the first place, a Gtk::ApplicationWindow already has more than one responsibility (as the inheritance graph hints):
With that being said, let's focus on the particular issue you raised.
If you look at the implementation of AppWindow::OpenDocument you will see that only the first line is involved in opening the document:
Everything else deals with displaying the newly loaded Document. So the method is badly named.
For now, I propose taking that first line out of the method, rename the method to setDocument, and have a Document be the parameter to the method (instead of a file). Edit: Done in 3aa1c888e65a78bc1a4d5787439a67d45708a858
I'll talk about the SRP violation in the next comment.
The interface of Document is the following:
Document(const std::string& filePath);
void saveDocument(const Glib::RefPtr<Gio::File>& destinationFile);
void removePage(int pageNumber);
void removePages(const std::vector<unsigned int>& positions);
void removePageRange(int first, int last);
void rotatePagesRight(const std::vector<unsigned int>& pageNumbers);
void rotatePagesLeft(const std::vector<unsigned int>& pageNumbers);
void undoCommand() { m_commandManager.undo(); }
void redoCommand() { m_commandManager.redo(); }
bool canUndo() const { return m_commandManager.canUndo(); }
bool canRedo() const { return m_commandManager.canRedo(); }
const Glib::RefPtr<Gio::ListStore<Page>>& pages() const { return m_pages; }
sigc::signal<void>& commandExecuted() { return m_commandManager.commandExecuted; }
sigc::signal<void, std::vector<unsigned int>> pagesRotated;
We can separate the responsibilites into three parts:
If we can agree that these are the responsibilities, then the class should be separated into three:
I'm not sure about how to technically go about doing this. This is how I've thought about it:
What do you think?
We now have separate DocumentSaver and PageRenderer classes.
I'm not liking the idea of a DocumentLoader class since it will be too tightly coupled with the private members of Document.
AppWindow should be responsible only of displaying data. You could have an DocumentOpener that knows only how to open a document. This implies having an interface that could be tested.
DocumentOpener::open(File aDocumentFile)
In the same way, there could be a DocumentSaver with a save(aDocument)