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CV BIN ScikitImage #331

Open junxnone opened 3 years ago

junxnone commented 3 years ago

scikit-image 二值化



Functions Description
skimage.filters.threshold_isodata([image, …]) Return threshold value(s) based on ISODATA method.
skimage.filters.threshold_li(image, *[, …]) Compute threshold value by Li’s iterative Minimum Cross Entropy method.
skimage.filters.threshold_local(image, …) Compute a threshold mask image based on local pixel neighborhood.
skimage.filters.threshold_mean(image) Return threshold value based on the mean of grayscale values.
skimage.filters.threshold_minimum([image, …]) Return threshold value based on minimum method.
skimage.filters.threshold_multiotsu(image[, …]) Generate classes-1 threshold values to divide gray levels in image.
skimage.filters.threshold_niblack(image[, …]) Applies Niblack local threshold to an array.
skimage.filters.threshold_otsu([image, …]) Return threshold value based on Otsu’s method.
skimage.filters.threshold_sauvola(image[, …]) Applies Sauvola local threshold to an array.
skimage.filters.threshold_triangle(image[, …]) Return threshold value based on the triangle algorithm.
skimage.filters.threshold_yen([image, …]) Return threshold value based on Yen’s method.
skimage.filters.try_all_threshold(image[, …]) Returns a figure comparing the outputs of different thresholding methods.
junxnone commented 3 years ago
