junyang224 / ROBI_Toolkit

Python scripts to work with the ROBI dataset.
MIT License
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About reconstructed whole scene #8

Open pyni opened 1 year ago

pyni commented 1 year ago

Hi, will you provide the model/point clouds of your reconstructed whole scene (not single object )?


junyang224 commented 1 year ago

Hello, which scene model you are talking about? The reconstruction from ground truth depth maps (high quality) or from regular depth maps (low quality)?

pyni commented 1 year ago

Hi, would you please provide the reconstruction from ground truth depth maps (high quality)? I cannot find it but only find ground truth depth map under single view in your webside. Thanks.

junyang224 commented 1 year ago

Hello, sorry for the late reply. We are currently working on the ICRA deadline and will provide the reconstruction ground truth after it.