junyangwang0410 / Knight

SotA text-only image/video method (IJCAI 2023)
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python run_image_captioning.py --dataset flickr #2

Closed LISGCS closed 8 months ago

LISGCS commented 8 months ago

Hello, thank you for sharing code.

I have the following error when use Flickr30k on colab.

!python run_image_captioning.py --dataset flickr FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './feature/Flickr/nibers.npy'

junyangwang0410 commented 8 months ago

Hello! Maybe you need to run _data_prepareFlickr.py first to get the k-nearest-neighbor features. You need to modify the last line of _data_prepareFlickr.py to save your nibers.npy. This is to extract the features in advance so that you can reduce the overhead in the training phase.