TCAS RA detection function tcas_ra in pyModeS/decoder/bds/ uses bit 52 of the target state and status information messages (TC = 29, BDS 6,2):
tcas_ra = True if int(mb[52]) == 1 else False
However, according to of DO-260B, that bit is used for "TCAS Operational" status.
There is a TCAS RA active flag in the OM part of TC = 31 messages (aircraft operational status, message bit 27). This is BDS 6,5 which is not supported yet.
TCAS RA detection function
in pyModeS/decoder/bds/ uses bit 52 of the target state and status information messages (TC = 29, BDS 6,2):tcas_ra = True if int(mb[52]) == 1 else False
However, according to of DO-260B, that bit is used for "TCAS Operational" status.
There is a TCAS RA active flag in the OM part of TC = 31 messages (aircraft operational status, message bit 27). This is BDS 6,5 which is not supported yet.