juodaspaulius / ClaferGrammar

Repository to support development of experimental Clafer grammar
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Build problem with the grammar checker #1

Closed wasowski closed 10 years ago

wasowski commented 10 years ago

I am trying to build the checker and get:

wasowski@tofino:~/work/ext.2014-clafer-grammar⟫ make happy -gca Parclafer.y happy: Parclafer.y: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory) make: *\ [all] Error 1

I believe that happy is installed:

wasowski@tofino:~/work/ext.2014-clafer-grammar⟫ happy Usage: happy [OPTION...] file

-o FILE --outfile=FILE write the output to FILE (default: file.hs) -i[FILE] --info[=FILE] put detailed grammar info in FILE -t DIR --template=DIR look in DIR for template files -m NAME --magic-name=NAME use NAME as the symbol prefix instead of "happy" -s --strict evaluate semantic values strictly (experimental) -g --ghc use GHC extensions -c --coerce use type coercions (only available with -g) -a --array generate an array-based parser -d --debug produce a debugging parser (only with -a) -l --glr Generate a GLR parser for ambiguous grammars -k --decode Generate simple decoding code for GLR result -f --filter Filter the GLR parse forest with respect to semantic usage -? --help display this help and exit -V, -v --version output version information and exit wasowski@tofino:~/work/ext.2014-clafer-grammar⟫

juodaspaulius commented 10 years ago

Forgot to include in the repository parser grammar Parclafer.y and lexer gramamr Lexclafer.x . Should be ok now.

wasowski commented 10 years ago
