jupe / puml2code

PlantUML code generator
MIT License
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can not generate java class #130

Open lemon34 opened 2 months ago

lemon34 commented 2 months ago


The Error:

SyntaxError: Expected "*", "--", "---", "..", "<|", "o", [ \t], [.], or [-] but "{" found.


puml2code version

puml2code version :0.1.0

(git describe --tags / puml2code -V)

plantuml file that reproduce issue


package Starter { class AccSolutionController {

package Application { class SolutionBO {

package Domain { interface AccSolutionRepo << interface >> {

} package Infrastructure { class AccSolutionRepoImpl {

AccSolutionController ..> AccountingSolutionApplication

AccountingSolutionApplication .left.> SolutionBO

AccountingSolutionApplication .right.^ SolutionOperation

AccountSolution -right-^ Solution

AccountingSolutionApplication --> AccSolutionRepo AccountingSolutionApplication --> AccValidator AccountingSolutionApplication ..> AccountSolution AccountingSolutionApplication ..> WorkFlow AccountingSolutionApplication .left.> ExcelUtil

AccountingSolutionApplication ..> WorkFlowFactory AccountingSolutionApplication --> WorkflowGateway WorkFlowFactory .right.> WorkFlow AccSolutionRepoImpl .up.^ AccSolutionRepo WorkflowGatewayImpl .up.^ WorkflowGateway @enduml