jupyter-book / jupyter-book

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Issue with mynewbook sidebar not disappearing when toggled #2246

Open nathrock opened 1 week ago

nathrock commented 1 week ago


I am testing the template book on Windows 11 Pro.

pip install jupyter-book
jupyter-book create mynewbook/
jupyter-book build mynewbook/

On any browser, when I click the hamburger Toggle primary sidebar, the sidebar does not disappear and instead does this Image

When I click off the sidebar, it reverts/expands to the left frame again. This behavior depends on the zoom setting, e.g., if I am zoomed 125%, then the sidebar automatically disappears. Then when I click the hamburger, it reappears normally (i.e., fully in the left frame) until I click off of it.


Jupyter Book      : 1.0.3
External ToC      : 1.0.1
MyST-Parser       : 2.0.0
MyST-NB           : 1.1.2
Sphinx Book Theme : 1.1.3
Jupyter-Cache     : 1.0.0
NbClient          : 0.8.0


I thought maybe this would fix the issue https://github.com/jupyter-book/jupyter-book/issues/2160#issuecomment-2162719144, but it did not.

chillerb commented 6 days ago

I encountered the same issue. For an online demonstration of the problem, see https://bckrlab.org/dsc-tutorials/intro.html

Weirdly, the sidebar seems to work correctly for local builds and on mobile. But on the site via github-pages, the sidebar does not disappear correctly.

Could it be related to some css files not being found?

agoose77 commented 6 days ago

I think this is an upstream issue: https://github.com/pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme/issues/2022

chillerb commented 6 days ago

To be honest, I am not sure if the referenced issue is related, since it seems to describe a different problem depending on screen size. For this problem, it appears in the online, but not on the local version, even though the screen size is the same.

nathrock commented 5 days ago

To be honest, I am not sure if the referenced issue is related, since it seems to describe a different problem depending on screen size. For this problem, it appears in the online, but not on the local version, even though the screen size is the same.

Can you list your local environment as I did above? My issue arises in both my local build and also on a GitLab at my university:

Using Kubernetes namespace: gitlab
Using Kubernetes executor with image python:3.11.9 ...
$ jupyter-book --version
Jupyter Book      : 1.0.3
External ToC      : 1.0.1
MyST-Parser       : 2.0.0
MyST-NB           : 1.1.2
Sphinx Book Theme : 1.1.3
Jupyter-Cache     : 1.0.0
NbClient          : 0.10.0
chillerb commented 5 days ago

Seems to be exactly the same configuration, except that I am on Python 3.12.2:

$ python --version
Python 3.12.2
$ jupyter-book --version
Jupyter Book      : 1.0.3
External ToC      : 1.0.1
MyST-Parser       : 2.0.0
MyST-NB           : 1.1.2
Sphinx Book Theme : 1.1.3
Jupyter-Cache     : 1.0.0
NbClient          : 0.10.0
$ pip list
Package                       Version
----------------------------- --------------
accessible-pygments           0.0.5
alabaster                     0.7.16
anyio                         4.6.2.post1
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arrow                         1.3.0
asttokens                     2.4.1
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attrs                         24.2.0
Babel                         2.14.0
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binaryornot                   0.4.4
bleach                        6.1.0
Brotli                        1.1.0
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ipython                       8.28.0
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isoduration                   20.11.0
jedi                          0.19.1
Jinja2                        3.1.4
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json5                         0.9.25
jsonpointer                   3.0.0
jsonschema                    4.23.0
jsonschema-specifications     2024.10.1
jupyter                       1.1.1
jupyter-book                  1.0.3
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kiwisolver                    1.4.7
latexcodec                    2.0.1
linkify-it-py                 2.0.3
markdown-it-py                3.0.0
MarkupSafe                    3.0.1
matplotlib                    3.9.2
matplotlib-inline             0.1.7
mdit-py-plugins               0.4.2
mdurl                         0.1.2
mistune                       3.0.2
myst-nb                       1.1.2
myst-parser                   2.0.0
nbclient                      0.10.0
nbconvert                     7.16.4
nbformat                      5.10.4
nest_asyncio                  1.6.0
notebook                      7.2.2
notebook_shim                 0.2.4
numpy                         2.1.2
overrides                     7.7.0
packaging                     24.1
pandas                        2.2.3
pandocfilters                 1.5.1
parso                         0.8.4
pexpect                       4.9.0
pickleshare                   0.7.5
pillow                        11.0.0
pip                           24.2
pkgutil_resolve_name          1.3.10
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psutil                        6.0.0
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pure_eval                     0.2.3
pybtex                        0.24.0
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pydata-sphinx-theme           0.15.4
Pygments                      2.18.0
pyjokes                       0.8.3
pyparsing                     3.2.0
PySocks                       1.7.1
python-dateutil               2.9.0
python-json-logger            2.0.7
python-slugify                8.0.4
pytz                          2024.2
PyYAML                        6.0.2
pyzmq                         26.2.0
referencing                   0.35.1
requests                      2.32.3
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rich                          13.9.2
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scipy                         1.14.1
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