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Cannot eval variable from notebook in markdown file #1557

Open mortenengen opened 1 month ago

mortenengen commented 1 month ago

I want to use a notebook to perform calculations, and one or more markdown files to write a document where I am using figures and variables from the notebook. Matplotlib plots created in the notebook are embedded using the recipe in docs. However, I am not able to use the eval role to embed a variable from the notebook. Steps to reproduce the observed behaviour are shown below.

I am running on:


Please find below three files that can be used to reproduce the observed behaviour: 1) requirements.txt, 2) calculations.ipynb, and 3) report.md.


The Python environment can be created with the dependencies given in requirements.txt:



A notebook with the following cells. The first and last cells are markdown, the remaining cells are python.

title: Calculations
author: Name Nameson
  - format: pdf
    output: calculations.pdf
    template: plain_latex
#| tags:
#|  - remove-cell
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#| tags:
#|  - remove-cell
#| label: fig-cos
x = np.linspace(0, np.pi)
y = np.cos(x)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, y);
#| tags:
#|  - remove-cell
calculation_result = 42.0
The calculation result is {eval}`calculation_result`.

If I do a myst build calculations.ipynb --pdf --execute the variable is embedded as expected. āœ…


A markdown file with the following contents.

title: The report
author: Name Nameson
  - format: pdf
    output: report.pdf
    template: plain_latex
  name: python3
  display_name: venv
:::{figure} #fig-cos
:label: figure-from-nb
The `cos` function.

The calculation result is {eval}`calculation_result`.

If I do a myst build report.md --pdf --execute the matplotlib figure from the notebook is embedded as expected, but the variable calculation_result cannot be embedded. šŸ’„

The following is printed in the terminal, possibly indicating that calculation_error cannot be found in the namespace available to report.md:

šŸ“¬ Performing exports:
   report.md -> report.pdf
šŸ’æ Executing Notebook (report.md) [no execution cache found]
šŸ’¾ Adding Cached Notebook Outputs (calculations.ipynb)
šŸ“– Built calculations.ipynb in 22 ms.
šŸš€ Starting new Jupyter server
šŸŖ Jupyter server started
Starting WebSocket: ws://localhost:8888/api/kernels/d2db867b-6de2-4d70-9f6f-a91bb3566705
ā›”ļø report.md An exception occurred during expression evaluation, halting further execution:

NameError: name 'calculation_result' is not defined

šŸ“– Built report.md in 3.15 s.

It would be extremely powerful to have the ability to embed variables like this in markdown files and not only notebooks šŸš€