jupyter-book / mystmd

Command line tools for working with MyST Markdown.
MIT License
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Allow users to launch JupyterHub or a BinderHub session with book content and the current page active #1643

Open choldgraf opened 1 week ago

choldgraf commented 1 week ago

Jupyter Book allows you to generate a 'launch' button that brings you into an interactive session provided by Binder or JupyterHub. For any pages that are backed by a notebook (.ipynb or a MyST notebook), the button points to the cloud service providing computation, and will load the environment + the content of the current page as an interactive notebook.

This is not the same thing as launching a Thebe session, it involves directing the user to a full Jupyter interface that is run via Binder or JupyterHub.

User story

As a reader, I want to be able to click a button on a MyST page that launches a Jupyter session and redirects the user to it, and opens the current page of content with a live kernel.
