jupyter-server / enterprise_gateway

A lightweight, multi-tenant, scalable and secure gateway that enables Jupyter Notebooks to share resources across distributed clusters such as Apache Spark, Kubernetes and others.
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Add references for installing spark operator on k8s #1173

Closed kevin-bates closed 1 year ago

kevin-bates commented 1 year ago

When attempting to use the Kubernetes Operator for Apache Spark, issues can arise if the operator is not installed prior to its use. This pull request addresses these issues in the following ways...

  1. Exception handling logic has been added to launch_custom_resource.py to detect status 404 and, if encountered, replaces the raised exception with a system exit message that instructs the user where to find installation instructions. This message purposely injects surrounding newlines so that it stands out in the EG log.

ERROR: The Kubernetes Operator for Apache Spark does not appear to be installed.  See 'https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/spark-on-k8s-operator#installation' for instructions, then retry the operation.
  1. The Note in the existing Contributor's Guide (in the System Architecture section) has been enhanced to include a link to the installation instructions. image
  2. The Operators Guide (in the Kubernetes deployments section) has added a reference to spark_python_operator as a Kubernetes-related specification and also includes a similar Note referencing installation instructions. image

Resolves: #1169

kevin-bates commented 1 year ago

@vivekbhide: fyi