jupyter-server / enterprise_gateway

A lightweight, multi-tenant, scalable and secure gateway that enables Jupyter Notebooks to share resources across distributed clusters such as Apache Spark, Kubernetes and others.
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JupyterHub integration with Jupyter Enterprise Gateway (DockerSwarm) #721

Closed mihirkapadiap closed 2 years ago

mihirkapadiap commented 5 years ago

Help us improve the Jupyter Enterprise Gateway project by reporting issues or asking questions.


Trying to integrate JupyterHub with Enterprise Gateway on DockerSwarm. Can anyone point me steps/wiki/guide.


kevin-bates commented 5 years ago

@mihirkapadiap - thanks for opening this issue. Although I'm not familiar how to configure JupyterHub on DockerSwarm, once configured, then configuring the single-user Notebook container to forward its kernel management to the Enterprise Gateway should follow how its done for other environments (on-prem and Kubernetes).

Here are some links that can assist you in that configuration. However, please note that if your Notebook container is running Notebook 6.0+, you do not need to configure the NB2KG server extension. Instead, all of those configuration steps can be replaced with adding the Notebook CLI option: --gateway-url=<url>.

One thing I would suggest you do first is get Enterprise Gateway working in Swarm w/o Hub. And Hub working in Swarm w/o EG. Then connecting the two should be fairly straightforward. I don't think we've had a lot of airtime on Swarm, so that's where that suggestion is founded.

If you have specific questions relative to JupyterHub, you'll likely get better traction posting your questions to the JupyterHub discussion forum.

mihirkapadiap commented 5 years ago

Thanks @kevin-bates for quick reply. I did get Enterprise Gateway working on Swarm and tested with single notebook server. I also got Hub working in Swarm w/o EG (using swarmspawner https://github.com/jupyterhub/dockerspawner)

I will try out integration part and update, thanks again.

kevin-bates commented 4 years ago

@mihirkapadiap - did you have any luck with getting both Hub and EG working in swarm together? If not, do you have any further information? If so, please close this issue and, if possible, provide any additional information others might need to do the same. Thank you.

kevin-bates commented 2 years ago

Closing as it seems the issue/configuration was worked out.