jupyter-server / jupyverse

A Jupyter server based on FastAPI :rocket:
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Docker distribution #410

Open almereyda opened 1 month ago

almereyda commented 1 month ago


Wanting to create a new JupyterLab on Jupyverse instance, passing by the conversation in #301, I've found a nice example on how to run the authentication dependency Fief through Docker Compose.

As a Jupyverse user, I am now left to imagine the same for it.

Proposed Solution

Add a section about running Jupyverse in a container to the documentation page

Additional context

This assumes the existence of an example Container image capable of running the Jupyverse collaboration server, best enriched with a useful Compose environment.

JupyterLab has top-level support from Docker, as seen in the official guide Data science with JupyterLab | Docker Docs.

Jupyverse should be similarly easy to employ as the jupyter/docker-stacks.

welcome[bot] commented 1 month ago

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davidbrochart commented 1 month ago

Thanks for opening an issue @almereyda. Would you like to contribute with this enhancement to the documentation?

almereyda commented 1 month ago

Right at it.

davidbrochart commented 1 month ago

Awesome, looking forward to it :tada:

almereyda commented 1 month ago

I was able to run Jupyverse with this patch

diff --git a/images/base-notebook/Dockerfile b/images/base-notebook/Dockerfile
index 07903b94..b05aad79 100644
--- a/images/base-notebook/Dockerfile
+++ b/images/base-notebook/Dockerfile
@@ -42,8 +42,10 @@ RUN mamba install --yes \
     'jupyterlab' \
     'notebook' \
     'jupyterhub' \
-    'nbclassic' && \
-    jupyter server --generate-config && \
+    'nbclassic' \
+    'jupyverse' \
+    'fps-auth' \
+    'fps-jupyterlab' && \
     mamba clean --all -f -y && \
     npm cache clean --force && \
     jupyter lab clean && \
@@ -51,6 +53,12 @@ RUN mamba install --yes \
     fix-permissions "${CONDA_DIR}" && \
     fix-permissions "/home/${NB_USER}"

+RUN pip install --user -U \
+                https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyter-collaboration/releases/download/v3.0.0alpha2/jupyter_collaboration-3.0.0a2-py3-none-any.whl \
+                https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyter-collaboration/releases/download/v3.0.0alpha2/jupyter_collaboration_ui-1.0.0a2-py3-none-any.whl \
+                https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyter-collaboration/releases/download/v3.0.0alpha2/jupyter_docprovider-1.0.0a2-py3-none-any.whl \
+                https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyter-collaboration/releases/download/v3.0.0alpha2/jupyter_server_ydoc-1.0.0a2-py3-none-any.whl

diff --git a/images/base-notebook/start-singleuser.py b/images/base-notebook/start-singleuser.py
index c80339f5..2d85f780 100755
--- a/images/base-notebook/start-singleuser.py
+++ b/images/base-notebook/start-singleuser.py
@@ -6,11 +6,30 @@ import shlex
 import sys

 # Entrypoint is start.sh
-command = ["jupyterhub-singleuser"]
+command = ["jupyverse"]

-# set default ip to
-if "--ip=" not in os.environ.get("NOTEBOOK_ARGS", ""):
-    command.append("--ip=")
+# set default listening host to
+if "--host=" not in os.environ.get("NOTEBOOK_ARGS", ""):
+    command.append("--host=")
+# set default host port to 8000
+if "--port=" not in os.environ.get("NOTEBOOK_ARGS", ""):
+    command.append("--port=8000")
+# set default jupyterlab.server_side_execution to true
+if "jupyterlab.server_side_execution=" not in os.environ.get("NOTEBOOK_ARGS", ""):
+    command.append("--set")
+    command.append("jupyterlab.server_side_execution=true")
+# set default kernels.require_yjs to true
+if "kernels.require_yjs=" not in os.environ.get("NOTEBOOK_ARGS", ""):
+    command.append("--set")
+    command.append("kernels.require_yjs=true")
+# set default auth mode to noauth
+if "auth.mode=" not in os.environ.get("NOTEBOOK_ARGS", ""):
+    command.append("--set")
+    command.append("auth.mode=noauth")

 # Append any optional NOTEBOOK_ARGS we were passed in.
 # This is supposed to be multiple args passed on to the notebook command,

on top of jupyter/docker-stacks@996fae12 with these commands:

cd  images/base-notebook
podman build --format docker -t jupyverse .
podman run --rm -it -e NOTEBOOK_ARGS="--set auth.mode=token" -p 8000:8000 jupyverse start-singleuser.py

While it was possible to create and save a notebook which returned upon reopening, it was not possible to replicate server side execution.

Needs further investigation.

almereyda commented 1 month ago

The installation of the collaboration features should probably be their own FROM: overlay, plus the addition of the two associated --set parameters/of the different entrypoint.

Also I was unsure which entrypoint to apply, both start-notebook.py and start-singleuser.py didn't really fit, other than for the default --auth.mode=noauth mode. Should we delete both and start anew with start-jupyverse.py?