jupyter-widgets / ipywidgets

Interactive Widgets for the Jupyter Notebook
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Dashboarding #2018

Open jasongrout opened 6 years ago

jasongrout commented 6 years ago

To keep this archived somewhere, here are the notes from our discussion on dashboarding at the ipywidgets workshop in Paris in Jan 2018 (see https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/issues/246, and https://www.lri.fr/etherpad/p/jupyter-widgets for the notes).

We can get an overview of current solutions to displaying the widgets on a web page, as sort of a web app. For example, Pascal's ipywidget-server, https://github.com/oschuett/appmode, or https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets/pull/1862

Pascal's solution: a separate server that is instantiated with the code to be run, a specific kernel https://github.com/pbugnion/ipywidgets_server

https://github.com/oschuett/appmode - strip out the classic notebook UI

https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets/pull/1862 (not finished) - read a notebook, execute all cells from the browser, display specific cell outputs

IBM Jupyter Dashboard server - easy drag-and-drop layout of cell outputs in a grid, one-click publish, secure execution of the notebook by not accepting code execution from the browser https://github.com/jupyter-attic/dashboards_server and https://github.com/jupyter/dashboards and https://github.com/jupyter-attic/dashboards_bundlers

Do we reuse kernels (e.g., you give a link to someone with a widget from a specific running kernel), or start a new kernel for every dashboard view

Can we expose a layout widget that lets you drag and drop to layout things, and then save the layout.

Integration with kernel gateway / remote kernel manager?

It's not obvious we need a live separate kernel. For some usecases, you may want to execute the code in-process (e.g., flask, django).

Should the layout depend on widgets and the kernel? Or should the layout be independent of widgets/kernel.

Do we force the authoring environment to be a notebook? An authoring environment like shiny?

Perhaps we just have some very specific predefined layouts that can just be populated with children.

If we were able to publish a binder-ready repo for a dashboard, that could take care of a deployment usecase.


Here is another issue talking about dashboarding: https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues/1640

jasongrout commented 6 years ago

Actually, reopening this for further discussion too.

maartenbreddels commented 6 years ago

I hould also mention https://github.com/maartenbreddels/flask-ipywidgets which is a proof of concept of inprocess kernel just doing Comms for flask, which should be able to port to Django and tornado. I think this, ipywidgets-server and appmode could live in 1 repo since they will share a lot of code.

ixxie commented 6 years ago

We have been working on an ipywidgets dashboard as a way to quickly get an internal GUI tool going; our setup (outlined here ) is a Jupyterhub server with Jupyterlab with a shared group owned directory symlinked into users' notebooks directories (I believe this is quite a common approach to sharing notebooks).

So far out major pain-points are:

  1. Having to restart the kernel and run all cells to render the dashboard; this has to be done on every page load (at least I haven't found a way around it).
  2. It seems that the notebook saves some kind of state to disk, because concurrent use of the notebook by multiple users triggers the 'revert file' dialogue box.
  3. We cannot seem to find a reliable and elegant way to share notebook URLs; this seems to work well for the classic tree links but with lab the interface saves some kind of viewport state which gets loaded.

It seems to me - with my addmitedly limited knowledge of Jupyter ecosystem internals - that a sensible and relatively easy to implement solution would be to create an .ipyapp format which is mostly just like a normal .ipynb notebook but:

  1. Has only one input cell which is always hidden and run when the page is loaded;*
  2. Saves no state to disk, other than whatever the user explicitly tells the dashboard to save;
  3. Runs in 'appmode' (i.e. strips out the notebook UI) and has an affiliated reliable URL that launches the app, like the appmode extension;**
  4. Gets added to a new 'apps' section of the launcher (with an optional user specified icon).

Does that make any sense?

* I guess this means the notebook would be 'trusted'? ** appmode doesn't seem to run correctly on our stack; we get 404 errors.

ixxie commented 6 years ago

I would be happy to try and contribute that feature with some guidance; I have some experience with Python but not so much Java/Typescript.

oschuett commented 6 years ago

Hi @ixxie, it seems that all your pain-points would be addressed by adding support for JupyterLab to appmode. This is something I've been putting off because the API was still in flux. I'll now put it back on my TODO list. However, it'll probably take me a few weeks to carve out the time. So, feel free to take a first shot at it yourself.

ixxie commented 6 years ago

@oschuett I wouldn't know where to begin, but since this is a nice way to get introduced to Jupyter/Lab extension writing, perhaps you can sketch out a rough implementation plan and I could maybe give it a shot over the next weeks?

But I wonder whether appmode - one updated to support JupyterLab - could actually become a core feature of JupyterLab? It seems like something that would make sense to integrate into the core offering, and would make it easy to then specify a .ipyapp format spec.

ixxie commented 6 years ago

On another note, it seems our team's developers are now leaning towards adopting Dash as our dashboarding framework since it seems at least to allow us more flexibility (it binds the React framework into Python); it seems Dash works within Jupyter notebooks as well.

This means that once we get appmode going, we can deploy Dash apps. What if it is equally easy to deploy Flask or Django apps via JupyterLab? With some kind of deployment framework (Docker/Kubernetes integration) we would have something ready to deploy Python apps to production.

I would love to contribute in this area, but it would take me some time as I have limited knowledge of the necessary prerequisites. Maybe starting with an attempt to port appmode to JupyterLab would be the place to start :)

BexDunn commented 6 years ago

interested to hear where this goes

rserbitar commented 6 years ago

Any news?

oschuett commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I did not manage to get back to this project - it keeps getting preempted by other open source responsibilities of mine... So, don't hold your breath for me.

In any case, Appmode for JupyterLab will be a completely independent implementation. So, please go ahead and give it a shot if you like.

Of course, integrating Appmode directly into the JupyterLab core would open up a lot of exciting possibilities.

ixxie commented 6 years ago

I also didn't get around to this since our team has decided to opt out of a Jupyter-based UI and instead work directly with Javascript. I think there is a lot of potential for Jupyter widget based dashboards and Python based data science UI design, but some significant work is still needed before its viable in production.

jasongrout commented 6 years ago

@ixxie - interesting. Does that mean they also opted out of Dash, and are just doing a pure JS frontend? Are they doing stuff in a python kernel? I'm curious how they are communicating between js and python if they are.

ixxie commented 6 years ago

@jasongrout we tried out Dash but what we really interested in is stuff like phosphorjs datagrid, D3, deck.gl or sigmajs and the rest if the great visualization ecosystem. We also want finegrained control of the interface.

Regarding communication, the idea is still vague and untested, but the plan is to have a REST API and/or message queue to the python container. Our application does not require particularly rapid communication, and we can do client side Javascript for visualization and UI.

All this makes me wonder if the ultimate solution is to use something like Transcript but then a proper typing system like that of Typescript of Purescript is nice to have. Unfortunately we can't afford to spend our innovation points on an unfamiliar frontend technology.

Note people - myself included - were generally unhappy with having the Jupyter ecosystem as a dependency to the frontend, in part because I had some trouble maintaining my Jupyterhub+Lab server*.

One direction I would love to see Jupyterlab going is in integrating with frontend technology: live frontend development in the lab. Perhaps then UIs could be launched as apps in lab which talk through a generic protocol with the kernels? I don't know enough about the internals to answer that. If a headless kernel deployment is elaborated the apps could be deployed without the lab UI as well.

* I am hoping that switching to a dockerized deployment will reduce this pain. We will be adapting the existing template to our needs. One day maybe a Kube deployment too.

jasongrout commented 6 years ago

a headless kernel deployment

I think that is going to be a key to a lot of this conversation - an easy way to provision and spin up kernels. I have hopes for a mybinder-like environment for doing something like that.

mathematicalmichael commented 5 years ago

Hi, I know I'm late to the discussion but I've spent a really fair amount of time creeping on the issues for a number of related projects around this theme of dashboarding. I've read the roadmap and poked around the notes from the meetings.

Here's a little background on me and my use-cases:

Solutions like the one @ixxie is discussing are actually kind of what I've come around to... have a friend help write some front-end interfaces with D3 and then use a Flask server to handle computations. But man... someone shouldn't have to get that deep. I think it'd be fantastic to be able to create a dashboard for a presentation, perhaps embed it into a presentation with RISE, or even more broadly, allow people like myself to more readily develop "apps" to use within a company, or as standalone web-deployments. I think @jasongrout's suggestion for a mybinder-like environment is right. The complexity around setting something up is a major barrier to entry, and mybinder.org has to re-build images, which slows it down. The time I took to learn docker and jupyterhub is something most people in my department would not take on themselves. But the desire to share results online more easily is strong.

That's some of my input. Hope it was a helpful insight. I really love what the Jupyter Project is doing and would love to get involved in some way, but I am unfortunately not a web developer (despite having learned a lot of it at this point). I feel I could help improve documentation a bit as a contribution from a user's standpoint? Let me know if I can be helpful some way.

jasongrout commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your thoughts, especially how comprehensive they are!

In addition to thebe, you might be interested in looking at the new Voila project that @SylvainCorlay and company are working on: https://github.com/QuantStack/voila

mathematicalmichael commented 5 years ago

No problem, and thanks for that link! I'll most definitely be checking it out. Just out of curiosity, is it a concern that thebe hasn't been touched in a few years, or is the framework on which it is based simple/extensible enough that it still works even with newer versions of jupyter? Voila seems promising since it's new/active. Will be attempting to deploy.

maartenbreddels commented 5 years ago

For a reboot of thebe, you can take a look at https://github.com/minrk/thebelab I think the approach of voila (and thebelab) to be light weight will make them future proof. Voila is really trying to combine the several jupyter project to implement dashboarding with minimal amount of code (we try to push improvements in the depending repos). Expect more development on voila in 2019, feedback is welcome (issues, new use cases etc), and I hope to do some work on https://github.com/maartenbreddels/ipymaterialui for a rich widget support as well.

mathematicalmichael commented 5 years ago

@maartenbreddels thanks for that! Yeah, I've just been playing around with voila and besides having to reformat widgets to avoid interact(ive), it seems to work well. But from what I can tell it won't quite let me embed into a static website, would it?

Thebelab definitely seems almost identical to what I need (though it would be nice to hide the code cells), and I like @minrk's "minimal" examples because they clarify what needs to be included to work in my website.

It's almost like a need a hybrid of the two. Metadata like from Thebelab telling the page where an active notebook environment with live kernel can be found, but then the content looks like the html page voila is serving. Ideally I'd be able to parse the html file, strip it of all but the necessary headers, and paste the body into a page on my website. (I use a static generator, so can embed the body/header html with a shortcode).

jbednar commented 5 years ago

@mathematicalmichael , note that Panel supports export to a static website (for feasible quantities of data), or running a separate web server (with Python backing), or embedding into a static website. It's not ipywidgets-based, but is designed to work well in a Jupyter Notebook as well as in these contexts, trying not to tie anything too deeply to the notebook context. Something to consider as an alternative to both ipywidgets and Dash, covering what both of those two libraries are used for but from a single API.

dmadeka commented 4 years ago

@jasongrout @SylvainCorlay Whats the status of this for my curiosity? Is there a currently accepted solution to exporting a dashboard?

jbednar commented 4 years ago

2019 and 2020 have been very busy years for Python dashboarding. There are now lots of options for dashboards; see e.g. https://pyviz.org/dashboarding/ (but I notice that it's already out of date, as https://www.streamlit.io needs to be added to it). My group is also about to announce our work making ipywidgets integrate fully with Panel and Bokeh, which gives you even more options. But the net result is there not being a single accepted solution, which I admit can be confusing for users. We've attempted to explain the pros and cons of the various solutions at https://panel.holoviz.org/Comparisons.html , but that page is both our own personal viewpoint (though we try to be as objective as we can!) and also perpetually out of date (as each dashboarding library races to fill in features that appear in other libraries!).

SylvainCorlay commented 4 years ago

@jasongrout @SylvainCorlay Whats the status of this for my curiosity? Is there a currently accepted solution to exporting a dashboard?

@dmadeka please check out Voilà, which is now an official Jupyter subproject.

dmadeka commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Voila was exactly what i was looking for!