In our use case, the idea is to popup an TextArea when an error occurred in an asynchronous process and to hide it when the error condition disappears. The implementation uses a dedicated Output to display the TextArea when an error occurred. The Output.clear_output is then called to remove the TextArea when the problem is fixed.
In the following code, the asynchronous activity is simulated by a thread. This works smoothly in the classic Notebook but doesn't behave as expected in JupyterLab : the TextArea doesn't show up or remains displayed. The ipywidgets Jupyterlab extension is (obviously) properly installed and works as expected in other contexts.
In our use case, the idea is to popup an TextArea when an error occurred in an asynchronous process and to hide it when the error condition disappears. The implementation uses a dedicated Output to display the TextArea when an error occurred. The Output.clear_output is then called to remove the TextArea when the problem is fixed.
In the following code, the asynchronous activity is simulated by a thread. This works smoothly in the classic Notebook but doesn't behave as expected in JupyterLab : the TextArea doesn't show up or remains displayed. The ipywidgets Jupyterlab extension is (obviously) properly installed and works as expected in other contexts.
Here is the Conda configuration I'm using:
Here is some code reproducing the problem: