jupyter-xeus / xeus-r

Jupyter kernel for the R programming language
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`parse(text = )` before evaluating, so that we can catch parse errors #4

Closed romainfrancois closed 11 months ago

romainfrancois commented 11 months ago

The idea is to be able to catch parse errors before we try to evaluate, I've tried to do this through the internal R_ParseVector() function, but unfortunately because of how things are implemented in R, this does not give access to error messages, so instead this use an R call behind a tryCatch() , i.e. if the cell [7] has 1+1 this will evaluate :

tryCatch(parse(text = "1+1", srcfile = "<cell [7]>"), error = identity) 

so that we either get

> parse(text = "rnorm(10) ; 2")
expression(rnorm(10), 2)
> tryCatch(parse(text = "1 |> 2", srcfile = "<cell [7]>"), error = identity)
<RHSnotFnCall in 2: The pipe operator requires a function call as RHS (<input>:1:6)>
> tryCatch(parse(text = "1++", srcfile = "<cell [7]>"), error = identity)
<simpleError in parse(text = "1++", srcfile = "<cell [7]>"): <cell [7]>:2:0: fin d'entrée inattendue
1: 1++
> tryCatch(parse(text = "foo()2", srcfile = "<cell [7]>"), error = identity)
<simpleError in parse(text = "foo()2", srcfile = "<cell [7]>"): <cell [7]>:1:6: constante numérique inattendue
1: foo()2

This PR does not handle yet the case when the expression does parse, it just echoes. Will do in a follow up