jupyter / dashboards

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Standalone export ? #292

Open arnaudmiribel opened 7 years ago

arnaudmiribel commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

Very happy to use jupyter-dashboard for a project, I'd like to host the dashboard layout as a standalone html page. Is there a way to do that ? That is, export the notebook into .html but activate the same things as when we press the "dashboard preview" button on the UI. Apparently, appending a ?dashboard after the url doesn't work.

I've seen efforts on jupyter-dashboard servers but the installation went wrong for me, it's not that easy, and I just need one single easy page. Hope I make myself clear :) not sure it's possible.

Thanks for your help

parente commented 7 years ago

Hi @arnaudmiribel. There is no standalone export today. It's possible that nbconvert could be made aware of the dashboard layout information and produce a static HTML document respecting the layout. Is that what you're after?

arnaudmiribel commented 7 years ago

Hi @parente, that's exactly the point :)

f0lie commented 7 years ago

Is there an guide to using nbconvert to do this? I am trying to achieve the same thing.

I am guessing when this project reaches release and traction, dashboard would be added to the formats.

nikusha37 commented 7 years ago

I have the same issue. It would be great to export dashboard layout to static html, even without comprehensive interactions which are triggered by python functions. I just need static html just different layout because I don't know html.

Paul-Yuchao-Dong commented 7 years ago

I think a function from NBconvert to be aware of the layout will be really helpful. The user sometimes would need to send html around, not ipynb files that requires the recipient to also download jupyter and install the same extension.

I hope I can help to make this happen, is there any starter guide to nbconvert workings?

parente commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the interest. http://nbconvert.readthedocs.io/en/latest/customizing.html is probably the right place to start. It's possible that all that's need is a bit of custom CSS added to the HTML output already supported by nbconvert that respects the layout metadata documented here: http://jupyter-dashboards-layout.readthedocs.io/en/latest/metadata.html.

alfonsomhc commented 6 years ago

+1 It would be nice to have an easy way of exporting the dashboard to html

vinnyricciardi commented 6 years ago

+1 more This would be a great feature

federicofontana commented 6 years ago

+1 Something along the lines of jupyter nbconvert --execute main.ipynb --to html --layout dashboard-report would be amazing.

5u2ie commented 6 years ago

Did anyone find a way to export the grid view in any way? would also be okay deploying my notebook to some cloud server.. looking for any solution that let's me easily share the grid view with anyone.

kurt-rhee commented 6 years ago

I would also love this feature

vhakopian commented 6 years ago

It is already possible to do that with nbconvert thanks to custom templates as @parente suggested. Here is a very simple template that enables to export in html and hides inputs and hidden cells of dashboard view:

{% extends 'full.tpl'%} {% block any_cell %} {% if cell['metadata'].get('extensions', {}).get('jupyter_dashboards', {}).get('views', {}).get('report_default', {}).get('hidden', false) %}

{% else %} {{ super()}}

{% endif %} {% endblock any_cell %}

{% block input_group %} {% endblock input_group %}`

Then you just have to run this command:

jupyter nbconvert 'notebook.ipynb' --template=mytemplate.tpl

bdklahn commented 2 years ago

Yes, it is "already possible" to recreate what Jupyter Lab already does when you click the "Open with Voila Gridstack in New Browser Tab", from the Gridstack editor tab/pane, by creating your own template file and using nbconvert.

And here's how I got Voila and Gridstack-type config in a function.

    c = Config()
    c.TemplateExporter.exclude_input = True
    c.TemplateExporter.exclude_output_prompt = True
    c.TemplateExporter.exclude_input_prompt = True
    c.HTMLExporter.template_name = 'gridstack'

But why not just add that to the Export options, like with Reveal JS Slides? Maybe, it would more-appropriately be called a "DeJavu Gridstack" export.

Maybe now, in 2022, it is already being addressed (associated with another Issue?).