jupyter / declarativewidgets

[RETIRED] Jupyter Declarative Widget Extension
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Is declarative widgets maintained? #570

Closed jasongrout closed 6 years ago

jasongrout commented 6 years ago

Can some of the developers comment on the future of declarative widgets? We have people asking what about the status and if it's still in development or being maintained. If it's not, we should mark the project as deprecated to clearly communicate with people. Or at least clearly state that it isn't maintained, and/or say that if someone wants to start maintaining it, they are welcome to do so.

CC @haobibo @lbustelo @parente @poplav, @peller

lbustelo commented 6 years ago

@jasongrout I've moved on to other responsibilities, so from my end, the project is not being maintained.

jasongrout commented 6 years ago

Thanks for updating us. I'll leave this open for maybe a week, and if no one else responds, I'll add a note that the project is unmaintained, and if someone wants to take it up, they are welcome to it.

peller commented 6 years ago

I've also moved on and am not in a position to contribute any longer. Sorry.

poplav commented 6 years ago

I've also moved on

userzimmermann commented 6 years ago

@lbustelo @peller @poplav Thanks for clarifying the situation! Even though it's a bit disappointing ;)

I used declarativewidgets a lot last year. And liked that way of creating fancy interactive notebooks with webcomponents! Now I'm facing new use cases... And have to make some decision on how to proceed :) From your point of view: Is there still future potential in declarativewidgets? Do you still use them? Does it make sense to take over further development? Or will ipywidgets or some new Jupyter extension get similar functionality of integrating webcomponents? Maybe as part of jupyterlab? Are Jupyter people still thinking about https://github.com/jupyter/roadmap/blob/master/declarativewidgets.md ? Lots of questions... ;) Thanks in advance for any response!

cc @jasongrout @haobibo @parente

haobibo commented 6 years ago

It's disappointing to know that declarativewidgets will no longer be maintained. I've been used it a lot in past year and it's really helpful for us to create some powerful features in our projects.

As a proof of concept, declarativewidgets enabled the powerful interactive features provided by the webcomponents. However, with the development of new versions of ipywidgets (7.0) and Polymer (3.0, it really changed a lot compared to 1.0), it becomes too complicated to maintain the current version of declarativewidgets, including adapters for R and Scala, which requires quite some knowledge and skills to develop, debug, and maintain.

I still believe using webcomponents to develop widgets and interact with kernels is really helpful to make interactive notebooks and applications. I'm currently trying to reinvent a light-weight component named web-widgets based on ipywidgets 7.0 and polymer 3.0, which focus on Python kernels only. Hopefully, I will open source the reinvention, which implements only core features urth-core-*, in a few weeks. If possible, your contributions, suggestions are welcome.

userzimmermann commented 6 years ago

@haobibo Great news :) Please open source your web-widgets ASAP and I'm in!

lbustelo commented 6 years ago

@haobibo That is great news.

I'm torn here because I really believe in the potential of the declarativewidgets developer experience and will certainly not want to see it go away.

I think it is time to build the new crop of contributors that can take it to the next level. I can offer guidance if necessary. Thoughts?

jasongrout commented 6 years ago

GIven the above answers, I'll begin the process of moving this repo to jupyter-attic. @haobibo - please let everyone know when they can see the web-widgets work - it sounds like people are excited about it.

jasongrout commented 6 years ago

And I also wanted to express my appreciation to all those who worked on this and pushed this experiment forward. As a community member: thanks!

jasongrout commented 6 years ago

Before moving, I sent a message to the Jupyter mailing list asking if anyone wanted to step forward and maintain this project: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/jupyter/RBoPIlXtiTs

lbustelo commented 6 years ago

@jasongrout Thanks for this...

Quick question... does moving to the jupyter-attic still allow access to the source?

I also wanted to express my appreciation to the folks that worked on this project. It was a lot of fun and demonstrated some interesting ways if using Notebooks. Unfortunately priorities shift and people move on. It was a great experience non the less.

jasongrout commented 6 years ago

Quick question... does moving to the jupyter-attic still allow access to the source?

Yes, the repo is still online with all issues and source intact. I'm moving the repo now.