jupyter / design

Design related materials for Project Jupyter
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Brand guidelines cannot be updated #69

Open minrk opened 1 year ago

minrk commented 1 year ago

The current brand guidelines are a PDF export of presumably a presentation, but we don't seem to have the presentation anywhere in an editable format.

I know we set up a different, non-GitHub workflow for designers to contribute, but I can't find documentation of it, or how folks are supposed to propose updates to the brand guidelines right now (#68).

Ruv7 commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure if this document exists in a format that is readily editable but I will at mention two folks who might know or have suggestions for how to move forward. @ellisonbg @isabela-pf

The brand guidelines were a project that Cal Poly interns created and maintained for some years but since that program for students no longer exists we don't have an existing process or resource to fulfill this request.

Ruv7 commented 1 year ago

Of course, something like this page would be ideal but at this point we don't have the resources for it. https://www.linuxfoundation.org/brand-guidelines

minrk commented 1 year ago

What do you think is the best way to address #68 in the meantime?

ellisonbg commented 1 year ago

The EC is working on setting up a project wide Figma account that everyone can use. I found the .ai fine for the brand guidelines in the meantime if people want to work with that. But once things are in Figma, I think we should use that as the source of truth.

echarles commented 1 year ago

The EC is working on setting up a project wide Figma account that everyone can use.

That would be wonderful. I link here https://github.com/jupyterlab/team-compass/issues/196 opened by @SylvainCorlay as a good example of logo need/discussion, and would like to share the work we are doing to create visual icons that represent the various technical pieces of the Jupyter ecosystem.

The goal is to have standard ways to represent a Jupyter Server, Kernel, Hub, Gateway... so it can be used in a coherent and standard way to communicate in diagrams, web applications the intent and the mean of what is referred to.

You can see the current WIP on https://icons.datalayer.design/?q=jupyter (sources on https://github.com/datalayer/icons).

I guess JupyterLab ui-components can be a natural recipient of such a work. As I favor React.js components, I have started the work in a separated repository to create such react components (not limited to Jupyter btw).

In all case, I am hoping that a standard SVG collection of artefacts to be produced that cover evolving Jupyter pieces in a meaningful way.

Happy to help with that goal if it makes sense!

cc/ @Carreau @mbektas

ellisonbg commented 1 year ago

Quick update: The Jupyter Executive Council is working on a proposed plan for this design repo and Figma. Will report back when we have more information and next steps.

imjul1an commented 8 months ago

@ellisonbg, is there any update on that proposal? We might consider contributing to the Figma design system for JL.