jupyter / governance

The governance process and model for Project Jupyter
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Move to Linux Foundation Charities 501(c)(3) and establish the Jupyter Foundation directed fund as part of Linux Foundation 501(c)(6) #226

Open Zsailer opened 2 weeks ago

Zsailer commented 2 weeks ago

Questions to answer ❓

Background, context and reasoning to help others understand the change.

The Jupyter Executive Council (EC) has the responsibility to ensure the healthy and sustainable evolution of Project Jupyter and to seek the best vehicles to support this. In early March, we, the EC, proposed to create a new funding vehicle for the project, paired with some management and operational changes in support of this funding mechanism, in partnership with the Linux Foundation (LF). These changes will enable us to grow and develop ambitious efforts we have often discussed but lacked resources to implement, and provide long-term stability both for key Jupyter contributors and the project itself. While Project Jupyter has been impactful and successful in many areas, we currently struggle in our ability to scale in certain strategic directions and in maintaining core functions needed for an effort of our size and scope. We believe this plan is the right path forward to meet these challenges.

A brief summary of the change.

The EC recommends that Project Jupyter transfers from NumFOCUS to the Linux Foundation Charities 501(c)(3). This transition would be paired with the creation of a new entity, the Jupyter Foundation, whose purpose is to raise, budget and spend funds in support of Project Jupyter and its mission. The Jupyter Foundation would be under the Linux Foundation 501(c)(6).

If this proposal passes, as a project of LF Charities, Project Jupyter would adhere to the applicable LF Charities Policies as noted on the LF Charities homepage.

A draft of the Jupyter Foundation participation agreement (which includes the Jupyter Foundation charter as Exhibit B) is included in this repo as part of this PR. For convenience, we also attach this document here. The EC and Linux Foundation may update this document as part of setting up the Jupyter Foundation, and a final version will be posted publicly.

Alternatives to making this change and other considerations.

The EC explored other options that were described in the March proposal here and discussed further here. For more context and answers to various questions raised by the community, you can read the FAQ here.


Vote is expected to close 15 July 2024 Anywhere on Earth.

EC members/voting checkboxes

SSC members/voting checkboxes

The process ❗

The process for changing the governance pages is as follows:

  • ✅ Open a pull request in draft state. This triggers a discussion and iteration phase for your proposed changes.
  • ✅ When you believe enough discussion has happened, move the pull request to an active state. This triggers a vote.
  • During the voting phase, no substantive changes may be made to the pull request.
  • The Executive Council and Software Steering Council will vote, and at the end of voting the pull request is merged or closed.

The discussion phase is meant to gather input and multiple perspectives from the community. Make sure that the community has had an opportunity to weigh in on the change before calling a vote. A good rule of thumb is to ask several Council members if they believe that it is time for a vote, and to let at least one person review the pull request for structural quality and typos.

jasongrout commented 2 weeks ago

We combined several refactoring/reordering cleanups with this proposal (my fault...). Should we remove those so the actual proposal really stands out on its own?

These cleanups were done:

Zsailer commented 2 weeks ago

@jasongrout I opened #228 to address the cleanup you referenced. Let's decouple those changes from this PR.

fperez commented 1 week ago

Very minor feedback from me, I think only one slightly substantial suggestion, but I don't think it's controversial...

Thanks all for the hard work here!

jasongrout commented 1 week ago

FYI, I added a short paragraph to the original description above that links to the LF Charities polices we would follow. These policies outline the procedure for leaving LF Charities, the G&A fee for funds raised, etc.

jasongrout commented 17 hours ago

FYI, here is a work-in-progress draft of the Jupyter Foundation participation agreement (i.e., what a corporation or other entity will sign to become a member of the Jupyter Foundation). Exhibit B in this document is the work-in-progress draft of the Jupyter Foundation charter, and exhibit C contains work-in-progress draft amounts for each membership tier. The EC and LF are continuing to iterate and refine these documents.

A draft of the Jupyter Foundation participation agreement (which includes the Jupyter Foundation charter) is now included in the PR and linked to from the governance Jupyter Foundation document.

jasongrout commented 15 hours ago

@jupyter/software-steering-council @jupyter/executive-council - we have opened the vote on this proposal. We expect to close voting on 15 July 2024, Anywhere on Earth.