jupyter / governance

The governance process and model for Project Jupyter
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Proposal: New jupyter/proposals repo and issue template #97

Open ellisonbg opened 3 years ago

ellisonbg commented 3 years ago

There are a number of Jupyter contributors and stakeholders who are writing grants for the CZI EOSS program (https://chanzuckerberg.com/eoss/). Here are links to some of the discussions and issues on this topic:

https://github.com/jupyter/governance/issues/96 https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/coordinating-czi-eoss-applications-across-the-community/8472/3

Today in the governance office hours we (@fperez @blink1073 @choldgraf @afshin @ellisonbg) discussed how we might create a lightweight process that encourages collaboration and transparency among those working on these and other Jupyter related proposals and grants.

Here is the proposal we came up with:

New jupyter/proposals repository

We propose creating a new jupyter/proposals GitHub repository to use for collecting information about Jupyter related proposals that contributors and stakeholders are working on or have submitted previously.

Issue Template

We propose creating an issue template in that repository with the following content:

Issue Template Title: Jupyter related grant proposal submission

What is the working title of your grant proposal?

What Jupyter individual contributors are writing and submitting the proposal?

Please share a public link to the proposal narrative (draft is fine):

Please share links to any public discussions in the Jupyter community about your proposal (GitHub, Discourse, etc.):

What Jupyter subprojects will this proposal involve?

Will your proposal be submitted and managed by NumFOCUS or another organization?

If not NumFOCUS, what organization(s) will be submitting the proposal and managing/spending the funding if granted?

After this issue is discussed, review, and merged:

- You must add the following text to the submitted version of your proposal, along with a reference to this issue number NN (make sure not to make it a hyperlink if your agency guidelines forbid that): “This proposal has been publicly shared with the Jupyter community and has been approved for submission by Project Jupyter (JFP NN).” 
- Once you have submitted the final version of your proposal, please submit a Pull Request to this repository with a static copy of the final proposal narrative as a public record of the submission. You can optionally include LaTeX, markdown, etc. sources if you want, but please minimally include a static PDF version.

Call for people willing maintain the jupyter/proposals repository

At this point we are not proposing that the Steering Council formally approve these issues or proposals. Instead, we thinking of a group of volunteers who maintain the jupyter/proposals repository. These maintainers would review and comment on the issues and PR requests submitted to the repo, develop and maintain documentation, etc. and pull in the other governing bodies as needed. Who would like to volunteer to help with this?

fperez commented 3 years ago

Just to confirm, I'm 100% on board with the above. We want to encourage broader participation in fundraising, while organizing a bit our work for better coordination both within Jupyter and with NumFOCUS and other related organizations.

Furthermore, as @sharanf pointed out during our governance discussion, having this repo can also then serve as a nice gathering point for all fundraising-related discussions: upcoming opportunities can be flagged in advance as issues, for example, to help us be more proactive.

In all I think this is a lightweight but effective solution as the project (and the open source fundraising landscape) grows and evolves.

trallard commented 3 years ago

Thanks for starting this conversation. I think having something like this moving forward would be very helpful. Especially when folks applying for funding have to provide evidence/data on existing funding to the project (see #99 ) as it will also make it easier to track this data.