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Dead R kernel #237

Open nicolas0dupuy opened 6 years ago

nicolas0dupuy commented 6 years ago


I am new to R and used Jupyter until noto learn Python. I have found few similar issues to my problem but none of the solutions worked for me.

I installed Jupyter notebook via Conda, on Fedora 26. It has Python 3 and R installed.

When I start a new R file, it shows me a warning saying :

The kernel has died, and the automatic restart has failed. It is possible the kernel cannot be restarted. If you are not able to restart the kernel, you will still be able to save the notebook, but running code will no longer work until the notebook is reopened.

When restarting, it says the same thing again.

Until now various update did not do anything. What could I do next ?

Thanks a lot for the help !

takluyver commented 6 years ago

When this happens, are there any error messages in the terminal where you launched Jupyter?

nicolas0dupuy commented 6 years ago

Yes there are (I did not think about loking at them) I copy and pas them here (It seems that the libreadline.so.6 causes troubles) :

[I 13:27:00.045 NotebookApp] JupyterLab alpha preview extension loaded from /home/dnicolas/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/jupyterlab
JupyterLab v0.27.0
Known labextensions:
[I 13:27:00.046 NotebookApp] Running the core application with no additional extensions or settings
[I 13:27:00.051 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /home/dnicolas
[I 13:27:00.051 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels 
[I 13:27:00.051 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at: http://localhost:8888/?token=0e13dbd4d900ba89037fc1cb4020eed07f3498cc63eb1141
[I 13:27:00.051 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 13:27:00.052 NotebookApp] 

    Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
    to login with a token:
Nouvelle fenêtre ouverte dans la session du navigateur
[3957:3994:1101/132700.754201:ERROR:browser_gpu_channel_host_factory.cc(103)] Failed to launch GPU process.
[I 13:27:00.784 NotebookApp] Accepting one-time-token-authenticated connection from ::1
[I 13:27:05.423 NotebookApp] Creating new notebook in 
[I 13:27:05.902 NotebookApp] Kernel started: 834c78b4-6899-48a1-87fa-f88712705c5f
/home/dnicolas/anaconda3/lib/R/bin/exec/R: error while loading shared libraries: libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[I 13:27:08.904 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (1/5)
/home/dnicolas/anaconda3/lib/R/bin/exec/R: error while loading shared libraries: libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[I 13:27:11.913 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (2/5)
/home/dnicolas/anaconda3/lib/R/bin/exec/R: error while loading shared libraries: libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[I 13:27:14.921 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (3/5)
/home/dnicolas/anaconda3/lib/R/bin/exec/R: error while loading shared libraries: libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[W 13:27:15.969 NotebookApp] Timeout waiting for kernel_info reply from 834c78b4-6899-48a1-87fa-f88712705c5f
[I 13:27:17.929 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (4/5)
kernel 834c78b4-6899-48a1-87fa-f88712705c5f restarted
/home/dnicolas/anaconda3/lib/R/bin/exec/R: error while loading shared libraries: libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[W 13:27:20.936 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restart failed
[W 13:27:20.936 NotebookApp] Kernel 834c78b4-6899-48a1-87fa-f88712705c5f died, removing from map.
kernel 834c78b4-6899-48a1-87fa-f88712705c5f restarted failed!
[W 13:27:20.954 NotebookApp] Kernel deleted before session
[W 13:27:20.955 NotebookApp] 410 DELETE /api/sessions/d4c31867-56f1-4ef9-a8e6-d6d5b0fbe583 (::1) 1.00ms referer=http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Untitled1.ipynb?kernel_name=ir
takluyver commented 6 years ago

That sounds like there's a problem with the Anaconda R packages. IIRC @mingwandroid is the person to ask about that.

ShixiangWang commented 6 years ago

It seems I have a same problem

$ jupyter notebook
[I 00:03:14.873 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: C:\Users\Shixiang Wang\Desktop\Projects\masterR
[I 00:03:14.873 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels
[I 00:03:14.883 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 00:03:14.884 NotebookApp] http://localhost:8888/?token=5e833165b138aeda1d4317c5db43103741c90828edb7b1e7
[I 00:03:14.884 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 00:03:14.885 NotebookApp]

    Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
    to login with a token:
[I 00:03:14.978 NotebookApp] Accepting one-time-token-authenticated connection from ::1
[W 00:03:23.612 NotebookApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/widgets/notebook/js/extension.js?v=20180320000314 (::1) 6.02ms referer=http://localhost:8888/notebooks/masterR/Rprogramming/Rfordatascience/Untitled.ipynb
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
[I 00:03:23.777 NotebookApp] Kernel started: 284824af-d5fb-4f1b-b630-c1cef804f613
[I 00:03:26.700 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (1/5), new random ports
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
[I 00:03:29.717 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (2/5), new random ports
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
[I 00:03:32.723 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (3/5), new random ports
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
[W 00:03:33.820 NotebookApp] Timeout waiting for
kernel_info reply from 284824af-d5fb-4f1b-b630-c1cef804f613
[I 00:03:35.735 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (4/5), new random ports
WARNING:root:kernel 284824af-d5fb-4f1b-b630-c1cef804f613 restarted
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
[W 00:03:38.747 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restart failed
[W 00:03:38.747 NotebookApp] Kernel 284824af-d5fb-4f1b-b630-c1cef804f613 died, removing from map.
ERROR:root:kernel 284824af-d5fb-4f1b-b630-c1cef804f613 restarted failed!
[W 00:03:38.758 NotebookApp] 410 DELETE /api/sessions/b8d26467-cb14-4619-8259-5ce5e9004883 (::1):
Kernel deleted before session
[W 00:03:38.758 NotebookApp] Kernel deleted before session
[W 00:03:38.759 NotebookApp] 410 DELETE /api/sessions/b8d26467-cb14-4619-8259-5ce5e9004883 (::1) 2.01ms referer=http://localhost:8888/notebooks/masterR/Rprogramming/Rfordatascience/Untitled.ipynb
[I 00:05:59.887 NotebookApp] Interrupted...
[I 00:05:59.887 NotebookApp] Shutting down 0 kernels

And Python is OK.

mingwandroid commented 6 years ago

Please show the output from:

conda list --show-channel-urls

huangteng1220 commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem.

$ conda list --show-channel-urls _r-mutex 1.0.0 mro_2 r absl-py 0.2.0 alabaster 0.7.10 py27he5a193a_0 defaults asn1crypto 0.24.0 py27_0 defaults astor 0.6.2 astroid 1.6.3 py27_0 defaults autopep8 1.3.5 babel 2.5.3 py27_0 defaults backports 1.0 py27h63c9359_1 defaults backports-abc 0.5 backports.functools-lru-cache 1.5 backports.functools_lru_cache 1.5 py27_1 defaults backports.shutil-get-terminal-size 1.0.0 backports.shutil_get_terminal_size 1.0.0 py27h5bc021e_2 defaults backports.weakref 1.0.post1 backports_abc 0.5 py27h7b3c97b_0 defaults binutils_impl_linux-64 2.28.1 had2808c_3 defaults binutils_linux-64 7.2.0 26 defaults bleach 2.1.3 py27_0 defaults bleach 1.5.0 bzip2 1.0.6 h9a117a8_4 defaults ca-certificates 2018.03.07 0 defaults cairo 1.14.12 h7636065_2 defaults certifi 2018.4.16 py27_0 defaults cffi 1.11.5 py27h9745a5d_0 defaults chardet 3.0.4 py27hfa10054_1 defaults chardet 3.0.4 cite2c 0.2.1 cloudpickle 0.5.2 py27_1 defaults configparser 3.5.0 configparser 3.5.0 py27h5117587_0 defaults cryptography 2.2.2 py27h14c3975_0 defaults cudatoolkit 7.5 2 defaults cudnn 5.1 0 defaults curl 7.59.0 h84994c4_0 defaults cycler 0.10.0 Cython 0.28.2 dbus 1.13.2 h714fa37_1 defaults decorator 4.3.0 py27_0 defaults decorator 4.3.0 docutils 0.14 py27hae222c1_0 defaults entrypoints 0.2.3 entrypoints 0.2.3 py27h502b47d_2 defaults enum34 1.1.6 py27h99a27e9_1 defaults enum34 1.1.6 expat 2.2.5 he0dffb1_0 defaults ffmpeg 3.4 h7264315_0 defaults fontconfig 2.12.6 h49f89f6_0 defaults freetype 2.8.1 0 conda-forge funcsigs 1.0.2 funcsigs 1.0.2 py27h83f16ab_0 defaults functools32 3.2.3.post2 functools32 py27h4ead58f_1 defaults futures 3.2.0 futures 3.2.0 py27h7b459c0_0 defaults gast 0.2.0 gcc_impl_linux-64 7.2.0 habb00fd_3 defaults gcc_linux-64 7.2.0 26 defaults get_terminal_size 1.0.0 py27_0 https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free gfortran_impl_linux-64 7.2.0 hdf63c60_3 defaults gfortran_linux-64 7.2.0 26 defaults glib 2.56.1 h000015b_0 defaults gmp 6.1.2 h6c8ec71_1 defaults graphite2 1.3.11 hf63cedd_1 defaults grpcio 1.11.0 gst-plugins-base 1.14.0 hbbd80ab_1 defaults gstreamer 1.14.0 hb453b48_1 defaults gxx_impl_linux-64 7.2.0 hdf63c60_3 defaults gxx_linux-64 7.2.0 26 defaults h5py 2.7.1 py27he2f5538_0 defaults h5py 2.7.1 harfbuzz 1.7.6 h5f0a787_1 defaults hdf5 1.8.18 h6792536_1 defaults html5lib 0.9999999 html5lib 1.0.1 py27h5233db4_0 defaults icu 58.2 h9c2bf20_1 defaults idna 2.6 py27h5722d68_1 defaults idna 2.6 imagesize 1.0.0 py27_0 defaults imutils 0.4.6 intel-openmp 2018.0.0 8 defaults ipaddress 1.0.22 py27_0 defaults ipykernel 4.8.2 py27_0 defaults ipykernel 4.8.2 ipython 5.6.0 ipython 5.3.0 py27_0 https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free ipython-genutils 0.2.0 ipython-notebook 4.0.4 py27_0 https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free ipython_genutils 0.2.0 py27h89fb69b_0 defaults ipywidgets 6.0.0 py27_0 https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free ipywidgets 7.2.1 isort 4.3.4 py27_0 defaults jasper 1.900.1 hd497a04_4 defaults jedi 0.12.0 py27_0 defaults Jinja2 2.10 jinja2 2.10 py27h4114e70_0 defaults jpeg 9b h024ee3a_2 defaults jsonschema 2.6.0 py27h7ed5aa4_0 defaults jsonschema 2.6.0 jupyter 1.0.0 py27_3 https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free jupyter 1.0.0 jupyter-client 5.2.3 jupyter-console 5.2.0 jupyter-contrib-core 0.3.3 jupyter-contrib-nbextensions 0.5.0 jupyter-core 4.4.0 jupyter-highlight-selected-word 0.2.0 jupyter-latex-envs 1.4.4 jupyter-nbextensions-configurator 0.4.0 jupyter_client 5.2.3 py27_0 defaults jupyter_console 5.2.0 py27_0 https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free jupyter_core 4.4.0 py27h345911c_0 defaults keras-gpu 2.1.5 py27_0 defaults kiwisolver 1.0.1 lazy-object-proxy 1.3.1 py27h682c727_0 defaults libcurl 7.59.0 h1ad7b7a_0 defaults libedit 3.1 heed3624_0 defaults libffi 3.2.1 hd88cf55_4 defaults libgcc 7.2.0 h69d50b8_2 defaults libgcc-ng 7.2.0 hdf63c60_3 defaults libgfortran-ng 7.2.0 hdf63c60_3 defaults libopus 1.2.1 hb9ed12e_0 defaults libpng 1.6.34 hb9fc6fc_0 defaults libprotobuf 3.4.1 h5b8497f_0 defaults libsodium 1.0.16 h1bed415_0 defaults libssh2 1.8.0 h9cfc8f7_4 defaults libstdcxx-ng 7.2.0 hdf63c60_3 defaults libtiff 4.0.9 h28f6b97_0 defaults libvpx 1.6.1 h888fd40_0 defaults libxcb 1.13 h1bed415_1 defaults libxml2 2.9.8 hf84eae3_0 defaults lxml 4.2.1 Markdown 2.6.11 markupsafe 1.0 py27h97b2822_1 defaults MarkupSafe 1.0 matplotlib 2.2.2 mccabe 0.6.1 py27h0e7c7be_1 defaults mistune 0.8.3 py27h14c3975_1 defaults mistune 0.8.3 mkl 2018.0.2 1 defaults mkl_fft 1.0.1 py27h3010b51_0 defaults mkl_random 1.0.1 py27h629b387_0 defaults mlpy 3.5.0 mock 2.0.0 py27h0c0c831_0 defaults mock 2.0.0 mro-base 3.4.3 h1c2f66e_1 r mro-basics 3.4.3 0 r nbconvert 5.3.1 py27he041f76_0 defaults nbconvert 5.3.1 nbformat 4.4.0 nbformat 4.4.0 py27hed7f2b2_0 defaults ncurses 6.0 h9df7e31_2 defaults notebook 5.4.1 py27_0 defaults numpy 1.14.2 py27hdbf6ddf_1 defaults numpydoc 0.8.0 py27_0 defaults olefile 0.45.1 py27_0 defaults opencv 3.3.1 py27h9bb06ff_1 defaults openssl 1.0.2o h20670df_0 defaults packaging 17.1 py27_0 defaults pandoc hea2e7c5_1 defaults pandocfilters 1.4.2 pandocfilters 1.4.2 py27h428e1e5_1 defaults pango 1.41.0 hd475d92_0 defaults parso 0.2.0 py27_0 defaults pathlib2 2.3.2 pathlib2 2.3.2 py27_0 defaults pbr 4.0.2 pbr 4.0.2 py27_0 defaults pcre 8.42 h439df22_0 defaults pexpect 4.5.0 pexpect 4.5.0 py27_0 defaults pickleshare 0.7.4 py27h09770e1_0 defaults pickleshare 0.7.4 pillow 5.1.0 py27h3deb7b8_0 defaults pip 9.0.3 py27_0 defaults pip 10.0.1 pixman 0.34.0 hceecf20_3 defaults prompt-toolkit 1.0.15 prompt_toolkit 1.0.15 py27h1b593e1_0 defaults protobuf 3.4.1 py27h2ba6a9c_0 defaults protobuf 3.5.2.post1 psutil 5.4.5 py27h14c3975_0 defaults ptyprocess 0.5.2 ptyprocess 0.5.2 py27h4ccb14c_0 defaults pycodestyle 2.4.0 py27_0 defaults pycodestyle 2.4.0 pycparser 2.18 py27hefa08c5_1 defaults pyflakes 1.6.0 py27h904a57d_0 defaults Pygments 2.2.0 pygments 2.2.0 py27h4a8b6f5_0 defaults pylint 1.8.4 py27_0 defaults pyopenssl 17.5.0 py27hcee3be0_0 defaults pyparsing 2.2.0 pyparsing 2.2.0 py27hf1513f8_1 defaults pyqt 5.6.0 py27_5 conda-forge pysocks 1.6.8 py27_0 defaults python 2.7.14 h1571d57_29 defaults python-dateutil 2.7.2 python-dateutil 2.7.2 py27_0 defaults pytz 2018.4 pytz 2018.4 py27_0 defaults pyyaml 3.12 py27h2d70dd7_1 defaults PyYAML 3.12 pyzmq 17.0.0 py27h14c3975_1 defaults pyzmq 17.0.0 qt 5.6.2 7 conda-forge qtawesome 0.4.4 py27hd7914c3_0 defaults qtconsole 4.3.1 qtconsole 4.3.1 py27hc444b0d_0 defaults qtpy 1.4.0 py27_0 defaults r 3.4.3 mro343_0 r r-assertthat 0.2.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-backports 1.1.2 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-base64enc 0.1_3 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-bh 1.65.0_1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-bindr 0.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-bindrcpp 0.2 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-boot 1.3_20 mro343_0 r r-broom 0.4.3 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-callr 1.0.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-caret 6.0_78 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-cellranger 1.1.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-checkpoint 0.4.3 mro343_0 r r-class 7.3_14 mro343_0 r r-cli 1.0.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-clipr 0.4.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-cluster 2.0.6 mro343_0 r r-codetools 0.2_15 mro343_0 r r-colorspace 1.3_2 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-crayon 1.3.4 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-curl 3.1 mro343_0 r r-cvst 0.2_1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-data.table 1.10.4_3 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-dbi 0.7 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-dbplyr 1.1.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-ddalpha 1.3.1 mro343h44b0c2a_0 r r-deoptimr 1.0_8 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-deployrrserve 9.0.0 mro343_0 r r-dichromat 2.0_0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-digest 0.6.13 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-dimred 0.1.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-doparallel 1.0.12 mro343_0 r r-dplyr 0.7.4 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-drr 0.0.2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-essentials 3.4.3 mro343_0 r r-evaluate 0.10.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-forcats 0.2.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-foreach 1.4.5 mro343_0 r r-foreign 0.8_69 mro343_0 r r-formatr 1.5 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-ggplot2 2.2.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-glmnet 2.0_13 mro343h4829c52_0 r r-glue 1.2.0 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-gower 0.1.2 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-gtable 0.2.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-haven 1.1.0 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-hexbin 1.27.1 mro343h4829c52_0 r r-highr 0.6 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-hms 0.4.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-htmltools 0.3.6 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-htmlwidgets 0.9 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-httpuv 1.3.5 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-httr 1.3.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-ipred 0.9_6 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-irdisplay 0.4.4 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-irkernel 0.8.11 mro343_0 r r-iterators 1.0.9 mro343_0 r r-jsonlite 1.5 mro343_0 r r-kernlab 0.9_25 mro343h44b0c2a_0 r r-kernsmooth 2.23_15 mro343_0 r r-knitr 1.18 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-labeling 0.3 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-lattice 0.20_35 mro343_0 r r-lava 1.5.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-lazyeval 0.2.1 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-lubridate 1.7.1 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-magrittr 1.5 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-maps 3.2.0 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-markdown 0.8 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-mass 7.3_47 mro343_0 r r-matrix 1.2_12 mro343_0 r r-mgcv 1.8_22 mro343_0 r r-microsoftr mro343_0 r r-mime 0.5 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-mnormt 1.5_5 mro343h4829c52_0 r r-modelmetrics 1.1.0 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-modelr 0.1.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-munsell 0.4.3 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-nlme 3.1_131 mro343_0 r r-nnet 7.3_12 mro343_0 r r-numderiv 2016.8_1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-openssl 0.9.9 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-pbdzmq 0.2_6 mro343h599a50d_1 r r-pillar 1.0.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-pkgconfig 2.0.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-plogr 0.1_1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-plyr 1.8.4 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-png 0.1_7 mro343_0 r r-prodlim 1.6.1 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-psych 1.7.8 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-purrr 0.2.4 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-quantmod 0.4_12 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-r6 2.2.2 mro343_0 r r-randomforest 4.6_12 mro343h4829c52_0 r r-rbokeh 0.6.3 mro343_0 r r-rcolorbrewer 1.1_2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-rcpp 0.12.14 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-rcpproll 0.2.2 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-readr 1.1.1 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-readxl 1.0.0 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-recipes 0.1.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-recommended 3.4.3 mro343_0 r r-rematch 1.0.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-repr 0.12.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-reprex 0.1.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-reshape2 1.4.3 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-revoioq 8.0.9 mro343_0 r r-revomods 11.0.0 mro343_0 r r-revoutilsmath 10.0.1 mro343_0 r r-rlang 0.1.6 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-rmarkdown 1.8 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-robustbase 0.92_8 mro343h4829c52_0 r r-rpart 4.1_11 mro343_0 r r-rprojroot 1.3_1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-rstudioapi 0.7 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-runit 0.4.26 mro343_0 r r-rvest 0.3.2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-scales 0.5.0 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-selectr 0.3_1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-sfsmisc 1.1_1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-shiny 1.0.5 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-sourcetools 0.1.6 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-spatial 7.3_11 mro343_0 r r-stringi 1.1.6 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-stringr 1.2.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-survival 2.41_3 mro343_0 r r-tibble 1.4.1 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-tidyr 0.7.2 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-tidyselect 0.2.3 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-tidyverse 1.2.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-timedate 3042.101 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-ttr 0.23_2 mro343h4829c52_0 r r-utf8 1.1.2 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-uuid 0.1_2 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-viridislite 0.2.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-whisker 0.3_2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-withr 2.1.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-xml2 1.1.1 mro343h599a50d_0 r r-xtable 1.8_2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-xts 0.10_1 mro343h4829c52_0 r r-yaml 2.1.16 mro343h086d26f_0 r r-zoo 1.8_0 mro343h086d26f_0 r rauth 0.7.3 readline 7.0 ha6073c6_4 defaults requests 2.18.4 py27hc5b0589_1 defaults requests 2.18.4 rope 0.10.7 py27hfe459b0_0 defaults rpy2 2.8.6 py27mro343h14c3975_2 r scandir 1.7 scandir 1.7 py27h14c3975_0 defaults scikit-learn 0.19.1 scipy 1.0.1 py27hfc37229_0 defaults scipy 1.0.1 Send2Trash 1.5.0 send2trash 1.5.0 py27_0 defaults setuptools 39.0.1 py27_0 defaults simplegeneric 0.8.1 py27_2 defaults simplegeneric 0.8.1 singledispatch singledispatch py27h9bcb476_0 defaults sip 4.18 py27_1 conda-forge six 1.11.0 six 1.11.0 py27h5f960f1_1 defaults sklearn 0.0 snowballstemmer 1.2.1 py27h44e2768_0 defaults sphinx 1.7.3 py27_0 defaults sphinxcontrib 1.0 py27h1512b58_1 defaults sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.0.1 py27hf906f22_1 defaults spyder 3.2.8 py27_0 defaults sqlite 3.20.1 0 conda-forge subprocess32 3.2.7 tensorboard 1.7.0 tensorflow-gpu 1.0.1 py27_4 defaults tensorflow-gpu 1.4.1 tensorflow-tensorboard 0.4.0 termcolor 1.1.0 terminado 0.8.1 py27_1 defaults terminado 0.8.1 testpath 0.3.1 py27hc38d2c4_0 defaults testpath 0.3.1 tk 8.6.7 hc745277_3 defaults tornado 5.0.2 py27_0 defaults tornado 5.0.2 traitlets 4.3.2 traitlets 4.3.2 py27hd6ce930_0 defaults typing 3.6.4 py27_0 defaults urllib3 1.22 py27ha55213b_0 defaults urllib3 1.22 wcwidth 0.1.7 wcwidth 0.1.7 py27h9e3e1ab_0 defaults webencodings 0.5.1 py27hff10b21_1 defaults Werkzeug 0.14.1 wheel 0.31.0 py27_0 defaults widgetsnbextension 3.2.1 widgetsnbextension 3.0.2 py27_0 https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free wrapt 1.10.11 py27h04f6869_0 defaults xz 5.2.3 h5e939de_4 defaults yaml 0.1.7 had09818_2 defaults zeromq 4.2.5 h439df22_0 defaults zlib 1.2.11 ha838bed_2 defaults

mingwandroid commented 6 years ago

Please open an issue at https://GitHub.com/ContinuumIO/anaconda-issues

You say you have the same problem but there are two different problems being reported here as can be seen from the very different console output.

I also need to see your console output. Using the TUNA mirrors is also problematic as I don't know that they are exact mirrors.

aniketnagundkar commented 6 years ago


I am also having the same kind of issue with dead R kernel in Jupyter.

Please find the output for $conda list --show-channel-urls

packages in environment at C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3:


Name Version Build Channel

_ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf 0.1.0 py36he6757f0_0 defaults _r-mutex 1.0.0 mro_2 r alabaster 0.7.10 py36hcd07829_0 defaults anaconda 5.2.0 py36_3 defaults anaconda-client 1.6.14 py36_0 defaults anaconda-navigator 1.8.7 py36_0 defaults anaconda-project 0.8.2 py36hfad2e28_0 defaults asn1crypto 0.24.0 py36_0 defaults astroid 1.6.3 py36_0 defaults astropy 3.0.2 py36h452e1ab_1 defaults attrs 18.1.0 py36_0 defaults babel 2.5.3 py36_0 defaults backcall 0.1.0 py36_0 defaults backports 1.0 py36h81696a8_1 defaults backports.shutil_get_terminal_size 1.0.0 py36h79ab834_2 defaults beautifulsoup4 4.6.0 py36hd4cc5e8_1 defaults bitarray 0.8.1 py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults bkcharts 0.2 py36h7e685f7_0 defaults blas 1.0 mkl defaults blaze 0.11.3 py36h8a29ca5_0 defaults bleach 2.1.3 py36_0 defaults blosc 1.14.3 he51fdeb_0 defaults bokeh 0.12.16 py36_0 defaults boto 2.48.0 py36h1a776d2_1 defaults bottleneck 1.2.1 py36hd119dfa_0 defaults bzip2 1.0.6 hfa6e2cd_5 defaults ca-certificates 2018.03.07 0 defaults certifi 2018.4.16 py36_0 defaults cffi 1.11.5 py36h945400d_0 defaults chardet 3.0.4 py36h420ce6e_1 defaults click 6.7 py36hec8c647_0 defaults cloudpickle 0.5.3 py36_0 defaults clyent 1.2.2 py36hb10d595_1 defaults colorama 0.3.9 py36h029ae33_0 defaults comtypes 1.1.4 py36_0 defaults conda 4.5.4 py36_0 defaults conda-build 3.10.5 py36_0 defaults conda-env 2.6.0 h36134e3_1 defaults conda-verify 2.0.0 py36h065de53_0 defaults console_shortcut 0.1.1 h6bb2dd7_3 defaults contextlib2 0.5.5 py36he5d52c0_0 defaults cryptography 2.2.2 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults curl 7.60.0 h7602738_0 defaults cycler 0.10.0 py36h009560c_0 defaults cython 0.28.2 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults cytoolz py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults dask 0.17.5 py36_0 defaults dask-core 0.17.5 py36_0 defaults datashape 0.5.4 py36h5770b85_0 defaults decorator 4.3.0 py36_0 defaults distributed 1.21.8 py36_0 defaults docutils 0.14 py36h6012d8f_0 defaults entrypoints 0.2.3 py36hfd66bb0_2 defaults et_xmlfile 1.0.1 py36h3d2d736_0 defaults fastcache 1.0.2 py36hfa6e2cd_2 defaults filelock 3.0.4 py36_0 defaults flask 1.0.2 py36_1 defaults flask-cors 3.0.4 py36_0 defaults freetype 2.8 h51f8f2c_1 defaults get_terminal_size 1.0.0 h38e98db_0 defaults gevent 1.3.0 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults glob2 0.6 py36hdf76b57_0 defaults greenlet 0.4.13 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults h5py 2.7.1 py36h3bdd7fb_2 defaults hdf5 1.10.2 hac2f561_1 defaults heapdict 1.0.0 py36_2 defaults html5lib 1.0.1 py36h047fa9f_0 defaults icc_rt 2017.0.4 h97af966_0 defaults icu 58.2 ha66f8fd_1 defaults idna 2.6 py36h148d497_1 defaults imageio 2.3.0 py36_0 defaults imagesize 1.0.0 py36_0 defaults intel-openmp 2018.0.0 8 defaults ipykernel 4.8.2 py36_0 defaults ipython 6.4.0 py36_0 defaults ipython_genutils 0.2.0 py36h3c5d0ee_0 defaults ipywidgets 7.2.1 py36_0 defaults isort 4.3.4 py36_0 defaults itsdangerous 0.24 py36hb6c5a24_1 defaults jdcal 1.4 py36_0 defaults jedi 0.12.0 py36_1 defaults jinja2 2.10 py36h292fed1_0 defaults jpeg 9b hb83a4c4_2 defaults jsonschema 2.6.0 py36h7636477_0 defaults jupyter 1.0.0 py36_4 defaults jupyter_client 5.2.3 py36_0 defaults jupyter_console 5.2.0 py36h6d89b47_1 defaults jupyter_core 4.4.0 py36h56e9d50_0 defaults jupyterlab 0.32.1 py36_0 defaults jupyterlab_launcher 0.10.5 py36_0 defaults kiwisolver 1.0.1 py36h12c3424_0 defaults lazy-object-proxy 1.3.1 py36hd1c21d2_0 defaults libcurl 7.60.0 hc4dcbb0_0 defaults libiconv 1.15 h1df5818_7 defaults libpng 1.6.34 h79bbb47_0 defaults libsodium 1.0.16 h9d3ae62_0 defaults libssh2 1.8.0 hd619d38_4 defaults libtiff 4.0.9 hb8ad9f9_1 defaults libxml2 2.9.8 hadb2253_1 defaults libxslt 1.1.32 hf6f1972_0 defaults llvmlite 0.23.1 py36hcacf6c6_0 defaults locket 0.2.0 py36hfed976d_1 defaults lxml 4.2.1 py36heafd4d3_0 defaults lzo 2.10 h6df0209_2 defaults m2w64-gcc-libgfortran 5.3.0 6 defaults m2w64-gcc-libs 5.3.0 7 defaults m2w64-gcc-libs-core 5.3.0 7 defaults m2w64-gmp 6.1.0 2 defaults m2w64-libwinpthread-git 2 defaults markupsafe 1.0 py36h0e26971_1 defaults matplotlib 2.2.2 py36h153e9ff_1 defaults mccabe 0.6.1 py36hb41005a_1 defaults menuinst 1.4.14 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults mistune 0.8.3 py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults mkl 2018.0.2 1 defaults mkl-service 1.1.2 py36h57e144c_4 defaults mkl_fft 1.0.1 py36h452e1ab_0 defaults mkl_random 1.0.1 py36h9258bd6_0 defaults more-itertools 4.1.0 py36_0 defaults mpmath 1.0.0 py36hacc8adf_2 defaults mro-base 3.4.3 0 r mro-basics 3.4.3 0 r msgpack-python 0.5.6 py36he980bc4_0 defaults msys2-conda-epoch 20160418 1 defaults multipledispatch 0.5.0 py36_0 defaults navigator-updater 0.2.1 py36_0 defaults nbconvert 5.3.1 py36h8dc0fde_0 defaults nbformat 4.4.0 py36h3a5bc1b_0 defaults networkx 2.1 py36_0 defaults nltk 3.3.0 py36_0 defaults nose 1.3.7 py36h1c3779e_2 defaults notebook 5.5.0 py36_0 defaults numba 0.38.0 py36h830ac7b_0 defaults numexpr 2.6.5 py36hcd2f87e_0 defaults numpy 1.14.3 py36h9fa60d3_1 defaults numpy-base 1.14.3 py36h555522e_1 defaults numpydoc 0.8.0 py36_0 defaults odo 0.5.1 py36h7560279_0 defaults olefile 0.45.1 py36_0 defaults openpyxl 2.5.3 py36_0 defaults openssl 1.0.2o h8ea7d77_0 defaults packaging 17.1 py36_0 defaults pandas 0.23.0 py36h830ac7b_0 defaults pandoc hb2460c7_1 defaults pandocfilters 1.4.2 py36h3ef6317_1 defaults parso 0.2.0 py36_0 defaults partd 0.3.8 py36hc8e763b_0 defaults path.py 11.0.1 py36_0 defaults pathlib2 2.3.2 py36_0 defaults patsy 0.5.0 py36_0 defaults pep8 1.7.1 py36_0 defaults pickleshare 0.7.4 py36h9de030f_0 defaults pillow 5.1.0 py36h0738816_0 defaults pip 10.0.1 py36_0 defaults pkginfo 1.4.2 py36_1 defaults pluggy 0.6.0 py36hc7daf1e_0 defaults ply 3.11 py36_0 defaults prompt_toolkit 1.0.15 py36h60b8f86_0 defaults psutil 5.4.5 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults py 1.5.3 py36_0 defaults pycodestyle 2.4.0 py36_0 defaults pycosat 0.6.3 py36h413d8a4_0 defaults pycparser 2.18 py36hd053e01_1 defaults pycrypto 2.6.1 py36hfa6e2cd_8 defaults pycurl py36h74b6da3_0 defaults pyflakes 1.6.0 py36h0b975d6_0 defaults pygments 2.2.0 py36hb010967_0 defaults pylint 1.8.4 py36_0 defaults pyodbc 4.0.23 py36h6538335_0 defaults pyopenssl 18.0.0 py36_0 defaults pyparsing 2.2.0 py36h785a196_1 defaults pyqt 5.9.2 py36h1aa27d4_0 defaults pysocks 1.6.8 py36_0 defaults pytables 3.4.3 py36he6f6034_1 defaults pytest 3.5.1 py36_0 defaults pytest-arraydiff 0.2 py36_0 defaults pytest-astropy 0.3.0 py36_0 defaults pytest-doctestplus 0.1.3 py36_0 defaults pytest-openfiles 0.3.0 py36_0 defaults pytest-remotedata 0.2.1 py36_0 defaults python 3.6.5 h0c2934d_0 defaults python-dateutil 2.7.3 py36_0 defaults pytz 2018.4 py36_0 defaults pywavelets 0.5.2 py36hc649158_0 defaults pywin32 223 py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults pywinpty 0.5.1 py36_0 defaults pyyaml 3.12 py36h1d1928f_1 defaults pyzmq 17.0.0 py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults qt 5.9.5 vc14he4a7d60_0 [vc14] defaults qtawesome 0.4.4 py36h5aa48f6_0 defaults qtconsole 4.3.1 py36h99a29a9_0 defaults qtpy 1.4.1 py36_0 defaults r-assertthat 0.2.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-backports 1.1.2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-base64enc 0.1_3 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-bh 1.65.0_1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-bindr 0.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-bindrcpp 0.2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-boot 1.3_20 mro343_0 r r-broom 0.4.3 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-callr 1.0.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-caret 6.0_78 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-cellranger 1.1.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-checkpoint 0.4.3 mro343_0 r r-class 7.3_14 mro343_0 r r-cli 1.0.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-clipr 0.4.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-cluster 2.0.6 mro343_0 r r-codetools 0.2_15 mro343_0 r r-colorspace 1.3_2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-crayon 1.3.4 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-curl 3.1 mro343_0 r r-cvst 0.2_1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-data.table 1.10.4_3 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-dbi 0.7 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-dbplyr 1.1.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-ddalpha 1.3.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-deoptimr 1.0_8 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-deployrrserve 9.0.0 mro343_0 r r-dichromat 2.0_0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-digest 0.6.13 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-dimred 0.1.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-doparallel 1.0.12 mro343_0 r r-dplyr 0.7.4 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-drr 0.0.2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-essentials 3.4.3 mro343_0 r r-evaluate 0.10.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-forcats 0.2.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-foreach 1.4.5 mro343_0 r r-foreign 0.8_69 mro343_0 r r-formatr 1.5 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-ggplot2 2.2.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-glmnet 2.0_13 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-glue 1.2.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-gower 0.1.2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-gtable 0.2.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-haven 1.1.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-hexbin 1.27.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-highr 0.6 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-hms 0.4.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-htmltools 0.3.6 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-htmlwidgets 0.9 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-httpuv 1.3.5 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-httr 1.3.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-ipred 0.9_6 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-irdisplay 0.4.4 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-irkernel 0.8.11 mro343_0 r r-iterators 1.0.9 mro343_0 r r-jsonlite 1.5 mro343_0 r r-kernlab 0.9_25 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-kernsmooth 2.23_15 mro343_0 r r-knitr 1.18 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-labeling 0.3 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-lattice 0.20_35 mro343_0 r r-lava 1.5.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-lazyeval 0.2.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-lubridate 1.7.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-magrittr 1.5 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-maps 3.2.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-markdown 0.8 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-mass 7.3_47 mro343_0 r r-matrix 1.2_12 mro343_0 r r-mgcv 1.8_22 mro343_0 r r-microsoftr mro343_0 r r-mime 0.5 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-mnormt 1.5_5 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-modelmetrics 1.1.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-modelr 0.1.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-munsell 0.4.3 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-nlme 3.1_131 mro343_0 r r-nnet 7.3_12 mro343_0 r r-numderiv 2016.8_1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-openssl 0.9.9 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-pbdzmq 0.2_6 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-pillar 1.0.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-pkgconfig 2.0.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-plogr 0.1_1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-plyr 1.8.4 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-png 0.1_7 mro343_0 r r-prodlim 1.6.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-psych 1.7.8 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-purrr 0.2.4 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-quantmod 0.4_12 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-r6 2.2.2 mro343_0 r r-randomforest 4.6_12 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-rbokeh 0.6.3 mro343_0 r r-rcolorbrewer 1.1_2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-rcpp 0.12.14 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-rcpproll 0.2.2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-readr 1.1.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-readxl 1.0.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-recipes 0.1.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-recommended 3.4.3 mro343_0 r r-rematch 1.0.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-repr 0.12.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-reprex 0.1.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-reshape2 1.4.3 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-revoioq 8.0.9 mro343_0 r r-revomods 11.0.0 mro343_0 r r-revoutilsmath 10.0.1 mro343_0 r r-rlang 0.1.6 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-rmarkdown 1.8 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-robustbase 0.92_8 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-rpart 4.1_11 mro343_0 r r-rprojroot 1.3_1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-rstudioapi 0.7 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-runit 0.4.26 mro343_0 r r-rvest 0.3.2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-scales 0.5.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-selectr 0.3_1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-sfsmisc 1.1_1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-shiny 1.0.5 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-sourcetools 0.1.6 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-spatial 7.3_11 mro343_0 r r-stringi 1.1.6 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-stringr 1.2.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-survival 2.41_3 mro343_0 r r-tibble 1.4.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-tidyr 0.7.2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-tidyselect 0.2.3 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-tidyverse 1.2.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-timedate 3042.101 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-ttr 0.23_2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-utf8 1.1.2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-uuid 0.1_2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-viridislite 0.2.0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-whisker 0.3_2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-withr 2.1.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-xml2 1.1.1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-xtable 1.8_2 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-xts 0.10_1 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-yaml 2.1.16 mro343h889e2dd_0 r r-zoo 1.8_0 mro343h889e2dd_0 r requests 2.18.4 py36h4371aae_1 defaults rope 0.10.7 py36had63a69_0 defaults ruamel_yaml 0.15.35 py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults scikit-image 0.13.1 py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults scikit-learn 0.19.1 py36h53aea1b_0 defaults scipy 1.1.0 py36h672f292_0 defaults seaborn 0.8.1 py36h9b69545_0 defaults send2trash 1.5.0 py36_0 defaults setuptools 39.1.0 py36_0 defaults simplegeneric 0.8.1 py36_2 defaults singledispatch py36h17d0c80_0 defaults sip 4.19.8 py36h6538335_0 defaults six 1.11.0 py36h4db2310_1 defaults snappy 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