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Sublime kaymap not working on JupyterLab #350

Open aghoshpub opened 6 years ago

aghoshpub commented 6 years ago


I tried to simply go to settings->Text Editor Keymap -> Sublime This doesnt work. The blog post http://blog.rtwilson.com/how-to-get-sublime-text-style-editing-in-the-ipythonjupyter-notebook/ Solves the issue for jupyter notebook but how to do it for JupyterLab?

joertlin commented 6 years ago

@aghoshpub , this has been discussed extensively in jupyter/jupyterlab#1362 where they discuss implementing key mapping for vim. Sublime is also discussed; unfortunately it will likely require an extension will need to be developed; and there will likely need to be a community development push for this.

ryantam626 commented 6 years ago

Hello :wave: ! I started something to get it going, it's not perfect but it does scratch the itch of multiple cursors (well at least for me :grinning: ). https://github.com/ryantam626/jupyterlab_sublime