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Page support in Jupyter Notebook #416

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago


Is there any way to split a notebook into several pages for readability and consistency?

E.g. If one needs to make preprocessing first, then train, validate or score some query on machine learning contest, then it seems useful and convenient to split his notebook into page 1 for preprocessing, page 2 for train, and so on.

I am aware that a page I am talking about is in fact some strange kind of environment or scope in e.g. Python, but page feature in notebook still seems like a better option rather than splitting my notebook manually.

Please comment is this even possible, needed and so on.

Thanks for attention!

minrk commented 5 years ago

This is not possible at the moment, but it should be doable. The idea we've had in mind for this is using headings in markdown cells to indicate structure. Then, an outline can be generated and require navigation from one heading to the next, rather than a single flat scroll.

It would be a bit of an undertaking to implement, though.