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giving student access to jupyter #421

Open naveen1973 opened 6 years ago

naveen1973 commented 6 years ago

Hi all,

I used Jupyter Notebook during a Coursera course. They are able to give student their own space and play around with notebook without having to download or install Jupyter Notebook on their own machine. At some point we would like to give our pupils this functionality at our school. How do I find out how this was implemented. I would also be interested how the autograder functionality works.

Please excuse if this question was asked earlier. BTW the product is awasome!!!



naveen1973 commented 6 years ago

"I would also be interested how the autograder functionality works." I just found out this one.

kaczmarj commented 5 years ago

@naveen1973 - two services come to mind: mybinder and google's collaboratory. you wouldn't have to implement anything on your own.

the code for binder is available on github, so you could instantiate your own service to host executable notebooks.