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Model Fitting- Getting value error.(Please ignore the 'corr value is also large' in below description) #456

Open NeeruSingla opened 5 years ago

NeeruSingla commented 5 years ago

Hi ,

I need to fit a model to predict the continuous variable. But the problem with the data is - primary key is of String type field and i have huge data set so can't do one hot encoding of it. I can't drop that column bcoz it is not properly primary key as some of the records are getting repeated and testing data also contains data with respect to some values of that field and its corr value is also large. So how can I resolve this issue? Thanks, Neeru Singla

minrk commented 5 years ago


This isn't a question for Jupyter. You might get a better result if you ask in the community of the machine learning package you are using.