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The Kernel appears to have died. Always when I am loading a large file. #474

Open grNorway opened 5 years ago

grNorway commented 5 years ago

I am using Jupyter notebooks for creating a ML Model with TuriCreate.

The steps that I am following are the above.

I have download a .csv and .json (same file) from https://www.kaggle.com/zynicide/wine-reviews

The file has 51 MB size.

I have made an environment turienv From Anaconda Navigation and the following steps work perfect for smaller CSV / JSON files.

1)source activate turienv

2)pip install turicreate=5.0

3)Jupiter notebook

----inside Notebook---- import turicreate as tc

wine_data = tc.SFrame.read_json('winemag-data-130k-v2.json', orient='records')

wine_data.head() <-- I see that everything is loaded properly

wine_model = tc.text_classifier.create(wine_data,'title',features=['description'])

And then in about 3-4 minutes I get error msg = The Kernel appears to have died.

Could anyone help. I am new in Python and Jupyter is only env I have worked with. If there is an other env that I could run the same things with some guidance to have a more solid error msg that I could debug please let me know.

Thanks in Advance