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Help! Get error #500

Closed codinhill closed 5 years ago

codinhill commented 5 years ago

When trying to run jupyter notebook I get the following message

> jupyter notebook
Error executing Jupyter command 'notebook': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

After looking for help concerning this error message I found that most answers suggest either adding some folder to path environment or running some install script. I've tried both. Yesterday I got it working however today it doesn't work again. So to try and figure out what I did right yesterday I will post my issue here. The following is information I got by executing jupyter-troubleshoot:




    3.6.7 (default, Oct 22 2018, 11:32:17) 
    [GCC 8.2.0]


which -a jupyter:

pip list:
    Package               Version  
    --------------------- ---------
    aiohttp               3.4.4    
    aiohttp-socks         0.2.1    
    aiorpcX               0.10.1   
    apturl                0.5.2    
    asn1crypto            0.24.0   
    async-timeout         3.0.1    
    attrs                 18.2.0   
    backcall              0.1.0    
    Brlapi                0.6.6    
    caffeine              2.9.4    
    certifi               2018.1.18
    chardet               3.0.4    
    chrome-gnome-shell    0.0.0    
    command-not-found     0.3      
    cryptography          2.1.4    
    cupshelpers           1.0      
    decorator             4.3.0    
    defer                 1.0.6    
    distro-info           0.18     
    dnspython             1.16.0   
    ecdsa                 0.13     
    Electrum              3.3.2    
    ewmh                  0.1.5    
    greenlet              0.4.12   
    httplib2              0.9.2    
    idna                  2.6      
    idna-ssl              1.1.0    
    ipykernel             5.1.0    
    ipython               7.2.0    
    ipython-genutils      0.2.0    
    jedi                  0.13.2   
    jsonrpclib-pelix      0.3.2    
    jupyter-client        5.2.4    
    jupyter-core          4.4.0    
    keyring               10.6.0   
    keyrings.alt          3.0      
    language-selector     0.1      
    launchpadlib          1.10.6   
    lazr.restfulclient    0.13.5   
    lazr.uri              1.0.3    
    louis                 3.5.0    
    macaroonbakery        1.1.3    
    Mako                  1.0.7    
    MarkupSafe            1.0      
    msgpack               0.5.6    
    multidict             4.5.2    
    neovim                0.2.6    
    netifaces             0.10.4   
    oauth                 1.0.1    
    olefile               0.45.1   
    openshot-qt           2.4.1    
    parso                 0.3.1    
    pexpect               4.2.1    
    pickleshare           0.7.5    
    Pillow                5.1.0    
    pip                   18.1     
    prompt-toolkit        2.0.7    
    protobuf              3.0.0    
    pyaes                 1.6.1    
    pycairo               1.16.2   
    pycrypto              2.6.1    
    pycryptodomex         3.7.2    
    pycups                1.9.73   
    Pygments              2.3.1    
    pygobject             3.26.1   
    pymacaroons           0.13.0   
    PyNaCl                1.1.2    
    pyRFC3339             1.0      
    python-apt            1.6.3    
    python-dateutil       2.7.5    
    python-debian         0.1.32   
    python-xlib           0.20     
    pytz                  2018.3   
    pyxdg                 0.25     
    PyYAML                3.12     
    pyzmq                 16.0.2   
    QDarkStyle            2.5.4    
    qrcode                6.0      
    reportlab             3.4.0    
    requests              2.18.4   
    requests-unixsocket   0.1.5    
    scour                 0.36     
    SecretStorage         2.3.1    
    setuptools            39.0.1   
    simplejson            3.13.2   
    six                   1.11.0   
    system-service        0.3      
    systemd-python        234      
    tornado               5.1.1    
    traitlets             4.3.2    
    ubuntu-drivers-common 0.0.0    
    ufw                   0.35     
    unattended-upgrades   0.1      
    urllib3               1.22     
    usb-creator           0.3.3    
    wadllib               1.3.2    
    wcwidth               0.1.7    
    wheel                 0.30.0   
    xkit                  0.0.0    
    yarl                  1.3.0    
    zope.interface        4.3.2
minrk commented 5 years ago

Did you perhaps install with pip install --user notebook? If so, the executable will be in ~/.local/bin which isn't on your $PATH. Try locate jupyter-notebook to find where the jupyter notebook executable is and make sure it's on your $PATH.

codinhill commented 5 years ago

Yes! That was it. Thanks a bunch.