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Jupyter Notebook won't run on Python version lower than 3.7 and won't run from Anaconda Environments!!!! #551

Open Kazia1234 opened 5 years ago

Kazia1234 commented 5 years ago


I have a great problem with Jupyter. First, I installed it on my laptop soute (not within Anaconda) on last python version (3.7.2) and it was ok, But I needed to downgrade python for Keras package (that is python =< 3.6) and Jupyter stopped working. Everything looked fine, webbrowswer shows up with localhost:blabla 9§27348947'19342p8091234^1234 but the tree is EMPTY. I tested it on different browsers, on different python distributions (always lower than current) and it never shows my document tree. Then i changed to Anaconda. Same issue. Works on root where I have current python 3.7 but does not for my Keras environment (old python). Same issue. I open Jupyter notebook and tree is EMPTY. Extremely frustrating. I have windows 10 with all last updates. Do you have any idea what is going wrong here? I really need keras and jupyter to pass my lab excersises!

I really hope you can help, K.

Kazia1234 commented 5 years ago

I meant only thing I can see is: image

I have created some environments in Anaconda 3.7 ... I cannot run Jupyter from them at all. Only from the root but then my Kernels are gone (naturally I didn't install R everywhere). WHAT IS WRONG ?!