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Link to the official YouTube channel from the web site #755

Closed JasonWeill closed 3 months ago

JasonWeill commented 6 months ago

The YouTube channel doesn't have "Jupyter" in the name, so some people may be unsure whether it's an official Jupyter presence. Can we have a link to it in the footer, beside our other social media, and/or from the Community page? Thanks!

JasonWeill commented 6 months ago

YouTube previously suggested by @Carreau in #257.

jtpio commented 6 months ago

The YouTube channel doesn't have "Jupyter" in the name, so some people may be unsure whether it's an official Jupyter presence

Should the handle be updated to @jupyter instead of the current @ipython?

Someone already seems to be using it: https://www.youtube.com/@jupyter. Maybe we can make a request to YouTube to change that, if possible?

JasonWeill commented 6 months ago

Per the governance docs, I can reach out to the trademarks committee (jupyter-trademarks@googlegroups.com) about the case above. None of us should be making such a request on our own.

ivanov commented 6 months ago

@JasonWeill reached out to the trademarks committee, which is how I learned of this discussion, so here's the response I provided there. This is currently just my take as one member of the committee, not speaking on behalf of the entire committee:

I took a quick look and it looks like this channel was registered long before Jupyter was a twinkle in anyone's eye. If you click on "About this channel", you'll find out that this person joined May 7, 2006, so that lines up between IPython 0.7.1 and 0.7.2 releases, so it's almost certainly not one we have control over. Jupyter first usage is in July 2014, for reference.

Given that the account has been sitting there idle, I don't expect it's worth pursuing. For example, https://twitter.com/jupyter is also not us, and also was registered in 2009, well before "Jupyter" began being used in lieu of "IPython Notebook".

Personally, I think it make sense if using the "IPython" channel is confusing for Jupyter users, we could either rename it to "ProjectJupyter" or make a new channel with that name, or something similar.

jtpio commented 6 months ago

Personally, I think it make sense if using the "IPython" channel is confusing for Jupyter users, we could either rename it to "ProjectJupyter" or make a new channel with that name, or something similar.

That sounds good, and it looks like it's still available.

lokashrinav commented 4 months ago

Hello. I was interested in this issue and was just curious if the youtube channel name was going to be changed?

jtpio commented 4 months ago

@lokashrinav I sent an email to the Jupyter Media Strategy group to inform them about this change. Hopefully we can move forward with this change (updating the name of the YouTube channel to "Project Jupyter") in the coming days.

cc @andrii-i

jtpio commented 3 months ago

The YouTube handle and channel title have now been renamed: https://www.youtube.com/@projectjupyter


Carreau commented 3 months ago

Now I'm a bit confused, as https://www.youtube.com/ipython still works. https://www.youtube.com/@ipython (which is the link @JasonWeill mentioned at the beginning of this issue) is 404.

I would have expected redirects at least, but I understand this is not under your control.

We likely need to search for old mentions of the @ipython/ipython channel and update the links, searching for it I can find "only"2 mentions:

28:Some of these meetings are recorded and uploaded to our `YouTube channel <https://www.youtube.com/ipython>`_.

29:- YouTube: https://youtube.com/@ipython