Hi there, i use nb2kg with enterprise-gateway in k8s, and jupyterhub with jupyterlab
widgets itk-jupyter-widgets, when i run the code
image = itk.imread(file_name)
it will have error like below(infact is the code view(image)):
WebSocket connection to 'wss://xxx.com/user/admin/api/kernels/33f732c2-9e84-4f3f-8ec5-827ebd793212/channels?session_id=af3a9dda-9ac6-47cf-a142-73087cde1ee2&token=bcc21fd62e2a4dba83d7e3f20d04d927' failed: Could not decode a text frame as UTF-8.
then it will disconnect the kernel connection , and reconnecting in 1 seconds.
I have test it without gateway,say use local kernel within jupyterlab, all will be ok.
Hi there, i use nb2kg with enterprise-gateway in k8s, and jupyterhub with jupyterlab widgets itk-jupyter-widgets, when i run the code
image = itk.imread(file_name) view(image)
it will have error like below(infact is the code
): WebSocket connection to 'wss://xxx.com/user/admin/api/kernels/33f732c2-9e84-4f3f-8ec5-827ebd793212/channels?session_id=af3a9dda-9ac6-47cf-a142-73087cde1ee2&token=bcc21fd62e2a4dba83d7e3f20d04d927' failed: Could not decode a text frame as UTF-8. then it will disconnect the kernel connection , and reconnecting in 1 seconds. I have test it without gateway,say use local kernel within jupyterlab, all will be ok.