jupyter / nbdime

Tools for diffing and merging of Jupyter notebooks.
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nbmergetool ignores base_url when calling /api/closetool endpoint. #569

Open vtikhonov opened 3 years ago

vtikhonov commented 3 years ago

In my scenario base_url is used when running nbmergetool under git mergetool, and jupyterlab server proxy is used as a proxy.


    "NbMergeTool": {
        "base_url": "/proxy/absolute/8182/",
        "port": 8182,
        "browser": "-" ###  just to skip loading browser tab, as it is opened manually  (so far, for another reason)

nbdime web page loads fine, it allows to resolve conflicts and save the result, but pushing Close Tool button attempts to access /api/closetool endpoint instead of /proxy/absolute/8182/api/closetool. So user needs to manually close the resolving tab in browser and stop git mergetool --tool nbdime process.


As far as I can understand the reason is that base_url is honoured when saving notebook https://github.com/jupyter/nbdime/blob/3.0.0b1/packages/webapp/src/app/merge.ts#L267-L269, but is ignored when sending closetool notification https://github.com/jupyter/nbdime/blob/3.0.0b1/packages/webapp/src/app/common.ts#L224-L225

So I guess the fix may be rather easy there, just prepend that base_url in closeTool function.

vtikhonov commented 3 years ago

Just for clarity: I used v3.0.0b1 in my env, as jupyterlab version is also 3.x, and it seems that master branch of nbdime has that issue too.