jupyter / nbviewer

nbconvert as a web service: Render Jupyter Notebooks as static web pages
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500 : Internal Server Error, maybe for a large notebook #712

Open tarokiritani opened 7 years ago

tarokiritani commented 7 years ago

nbviewer cannot display my 143MB jupyter notebook (https://bitbucket.org/tarokiritani/barrel_anatomy_wcr/raw/6e5d864a9c606811e5ce401a7a0e4df0d34d08ff/electrophysiology.ipynb). After a minute or so, I got the 500 internal server error. I am wondering if there is any size limit for nbviewer? A smaller notebook (26MB) rendered well.

parente commented 6 years ago

There is a render time limit setting (https://github.com/jupyter/nbviewer/blob/f48655262677dbe86ea7ba2e669b89bb4e2beebc/nbviewer/app.py#L292). And while there is no size limit setting that I'm aware of, I'm sure problems somewhere in the stack are likely with a notebook of that size. I tried rendering it just now and received the following error after a bit of waiting:

Error 503 first byte timeout
first byte timeout

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