jupyter / nbviewer

nbconvert as a web service: Render Jupyter Notebooks as static web pages
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Launching server... Internal Server Error #951

Open glenn-jocher opened 4 years ago

glenn-jocher commented 4 years ago

I can not use Binder for our YOLOv5 repository: https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5 Binder

Describe the bug Dockerfile is built, and then: Launching server... Internal Server Error

To Reproduce Go to this link and wait for notebook to build: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/ultralytics/yolov5/master


Screen Shot 2020-08-28 at 3 00 34 PM Screen Shot 2020-08-28 at 3 00 41 PM

Desktop (please complete the following information): MacOS Chrome

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

parente commented 4 years ago

@glenn-jocher It's probably best to report this issue in the Binder section of the Jupyter Discourse site at https://discourse.jupyter.org/c/binder/12. The binder project is handling the launch of a jupyter server for your repository, not nbviewer.

glenn-jocher commented 4 years ago

@parente thank you, I've raised an issue as directed here: https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/binder-error-on-yolov5/6141