import folium
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('meteo.csv', encoding='cp1251', sep =';')
customers = zip(df['lat'], df['lng'])
m = folium.Map(location=[70, 100], zoom_start=1)
if markers are 2, then the folium displays a map with markers, but if markers are 3 or or more, then I see an empty window in jupyter, there are no errors. How to fix it?
The case is most likely in Jupiter.
If I run the code:
def embed_map(m):
from IPython.display import HTML'index.html')
with open('index.html') as f:
html =
iframe = '<iframe srcdoc="{srcdoc}" style="width: 100%; height: 750px; border: none"></iframe>'
srcdoc = html.replace('"', '"')
return HTML(iframe.format(srcdoc=srcdoc))
I get the correct html, but it also does not appear in jupyter.
I use the following code
if markers are 2, then the folium displays a map with markers, but if markers are 3 or or more, then I see an empty window in jupyter, there are no errors. How to fix it?
The case is most likely in Jupiter. If I run the code:
I get the correct html, but it also does not appear in jupyter.