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Compatibility layer for `IPython` / `Jupyter` globals #6394

Open jtpio opened 2 years ago

jtpio commented 2 years ago


Many Python libraries used in the classic notebook rely on IPython and Jupyter being exposed on window.

This makes porting extensions to JupyterLab / RetroLab a bit difficult since this is not supported anymore.

Proposed Solution

Maybe RetroLab (and only RetroLab) should provide a compat layer and expose window.IPython and window.Jupyter. So things like Jupyter.notebook.save() executed in a JS cell still work in RetroLab by default.

An alternative for now is to use the jupyterapp main application on window with --expose-app-in-browser:


Which can be used to execute arbitrary commands:


This can be implemented as a new extension in the retrolab repo. The extension would expose the classic notebook API, but call JupyterLab APIs internally.

Additional context

This would help with use cases like https://github.com/ucbds-infra/otter-grader/issues/448

Linking to the custom front-end extension documentation for reference: https://jupyter-notebook.readthedocs.io/en/stable/extending/frontend_extensions.html

cc @yuvipanda @davidwagner @fperez @tonyfast @psychemedia

fperez commented 2 years ago

In general, I'm very positive to the idea of using retro as a place to experiment with what level of compatibility shims and new APIs would work well. It's a smaller, safer playground, and we can always promote into new core JupyterLab APIs anything deemed generic and robust enough.

This seems like an excellent idea, thanks @jtpio.

psychemedia commented 2 years ago

I don't really understand how JupyterLab / RetroLab extensions work so I'm not sure what this does or does not make possible, what any consequences are / what alternative approaches would be required to achieve what functionality provided by such a shim using current Jupyterlab/Retrolab API?

If the proposal was to work towards a way of putting a harness around the majority of current classic extensions, or providing a clear set of rules for how you could start to migrate different patterns from classic nb extensions to JupyterLab, that would give me a path I could start trying to walk my extensions down.

I also wonder what this does to the JupyterLab extension ecosystem? Would folk have to add tags to show whether their extension works only in JupyterLab, only in RetroLab, or in both?

And I wonder if these API can be exposed, why were they not exposed from the start? Or if they were, why were they withdrawn? What architectural or security principles are JupyterLab puritans being asked to give up by exposing these APIs?! ;-)

jtpio commented 2 years ago

If the proposal was to work towards a way of putting a harness around the majority of current classic extensions, or providing a clear set of rules for how you could start to migrate different patterns from classic nb extensions to JupyterLab, that would give me a path I could start trying to walk my extensions down.

Yes this is mostly about buying us a bit more time, since we probably can't expect all extensions to migrate to JupyterLab for notebook 7. Also this issue is more about targeting simple use cases, such as otter-grader executing code like display(Javascript("Jupyter.notebook.save_checkpoint();")), rather than complex extensions like nbgrader or RISE (for those it would be better to do a proper port). We don't need to cover the whole Jupyter.notebook API if it's not necessary.

I also wonder what this does to the JupyterLab extension ecosystem? Would folk have to add tags to show whether their extension works only in JupyterLab, only in RetroLab, or in both?

We should still actively encourage developers to make JupyterLab extensions as this is the way forward. As discussed in other places, the tooling around authoring JupyterLab extensions can still be improved so it's more welcoming to non-developers. Folks should not start making new extensions relying on IPython / Jupyter. Actually if we add them to retro we could mark them as deprecated from the start. Because they will just be available to help with the transition.

And I wonder if these API can be exposed, why were they not exposed from the start? Or if they were, why were they withdrawn? What architectural or security principles are JupyterLab puritans being asked to give up by exposing these APIs?! ;-)

For several reasons I would say. Having Jupyter.notebook exposed on window is quite of a strong assumption specific to classic. In JupyterLab there might not even be a notebook displayed on the page.

jtpio commented 2 years ago

experiment with what level of compatibility shims and new APIs

We should probably scope this to provide some kind of compatibility with old extensions only. New API development should be done in the main JupyterLab repo, so we don't fragment the lab ecosystem with new extensions that only work in RetroLab.

yuvipanda commented 2 years ago

Right now, there's no 'simple' way for python code to perform actions on the currently open notebook - something that a number of projects want to do. I think we can and should expose a safe subset of actions to this, and a global object accessible from display seem a good way to go. I do think it should be thought of as separate from a compatibility shim though - I don't want to have to install 200 extensions that all just simply let a python (or R or...) piece of code ask to save the notebook.

So for the otter case, instead of compatibility shims, we could instead expose something else that can be called via display() - just something that can perform a list of actions we have decided are safe for python code to do - save and checkpoint comes to mind, as is getting the name of the notebook. We can make these function calls that can somehow perhaps work with 'current notebook' even in lab - since this code goes into python libraries, they should ideally work across frontends. This can totally be just an extension to be installed, although I think for max compatibiltiy these should ship by default.

If needed, we can also search GitHub for code that calls Jupyter / IPython stuff via display() and provide backwards compat shims for that, but that can be a separate activity.

jtpio commented 2 years ago

We can make these function calls that can somehow perhaps work with 'current notebook' even in lab - since this code goes into python libraries, they should ideally work across frontends. This can totally be just an extension to be installed, although I think for max compatibiltiy these should ship by default.

It can definitely be implemented as an extension. In fact some folks have already implemented some kind of proxy to do that in lab (https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues/5660).

This can totally be just an extension to be installed, although I think for max compatibiltiy these should ship by default.

By default in JupyterLab? Not sure. For example these wouldn't really apply to the code consoles.

bollwyvl commented 2 years ago

I'm still generally -1 on re-hoisting a compatibility layer by default. Requirejs, jquery, jquery ui is going to be a slippery slope, and would firmly want to not see it on lab core.

However, unifying commands as a display type, and increasing the robustness of command definition e.g. https://github.com/jupyterlab/lumino/issues/58 sounds lovely.

A application/jupyter-command+json (sic) display type would be very handy, but i think would need some significant (user specified) guardrails. Basically, if i say, my kernel can save this notebook shouldn't mean it can delete all the files. So the first time it asks, you'd get an in-line display (no modals, thx):

Kernel Python 3 would like to:

> Save Notebook Foo.ipynb


Where the "remember" would let you update your settings. In a managed hub setting, this could be configured with overrides.json.

jtpio commented 2 years ago

I'm still generally -1 on re-hoisting a compatibility layer by default. Requirejs, jquery, jquery ui is going to be a slippery slope, and would firmly want to not see it on lab core.

Agree we should not support requirejs or jquery. I think the idea here was to limit the scope to what the IPython and Jupyter globals provide in the classic notebook.

A application/jupyter-command+json (sic) display type would be very handy,

And this could already be experimented with as an extension.

blink1073 commented 2 years ago

Colab offers a limited API for interacting between JS and Python: https://colab.research.google.com/notebooks/snippets/advanced_outputs.ipynb. It seems like an appropriate scope for what could be offered in "Notebook 7".

gutow commented 2 years ago

Colab offers a limited API for interacting between JS and Python: https://colab.research.google.com/notebooks/snippets/advanced_outputs.ipynb. It seems like an appropriate scope for what could be offered in "Notebook 7".

I am all in favor of at minimum providing the limited API that Collab exposes. However, Collab appears to be a version of Jupyter notebook not JLab (see Using Collab locally).

To add to the discussion of why I think we should have this:

  1. There are use cases such as my Jupyter Physical Science Lab package (see especially JupyterPiDAQ), where menus and other user interface items need to be adjusted depending upon what packages are loaded or the state of the kernel. This requires two way communication between javascript and the kernel in a way that is not supported by the current widget framework. I find it hard to generalize what might need to be done. This suggests a general solution that handicaps the communications is likely to be ineffective for me and others.
  2. Another thing I do is generate computed snippets on the fly dependent upon data available in the kernel. This also requires two way communications.

I have found the easiest way to solve the problems is to execute javascript using IPython.display.javascript(scriptstr) to start something in javascript ( I also usually wrap the script in an expiration time to avoid re-execution when opening a trusted notebook -- see JPSLUtils.OTJS). Then I run necessary python commands using promises to make sure the notebook state is appropriate for the next step. The simplest boiler plate for a generic python command in the old Jupyter notebook is:

function wait_for_python(cmdstr){
    return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
        var callbacks = {
            iopub: {
                output: (data) => resolve(data.content.text.trim())

            shell: {
                reply: (data) => resolve(data.content.status)

        Jupyter.notebook.kernel.execute(cmdstr, callbacks);

It would be nice if something nearly this simple would work in JLab. I can use this to set python variables on the fly, extract data from the kernel, run a command after the notebook front end has reached an appropriate state, etc...

jt0dd commented 1 year ago

There are so many threads and discussions and even platforms (Notebook/Lab/Hub) that it's hard to know what is / is not possible / planned / not-planned / under consideration at this point. So I'm just pitching my use-case to try and show how powerful these features can be if there is support for them.




I'm worried this kind of application will not be possible, or at least will need to be very contrived / hacky in future releases of Jupyter products (Notebook, Lab, Hub).

What you're seeing in that video is a web application embedded leveraging ipywidgets, which then uses the (currently working only in Jupyter Notebook but soon to be gone as the code bases are consolidated to help alleviate maintenance overhead) IPython.notebook.kernel.execute feature exposed to the JavaScript runtime to execute some code in the Python kernel which updates a state.json file to track stateful information without the user needing to write it into a cell.


It seems to me that two features are needed to support and improve upon this kind of "application on top of Jupyter" model:

  1. A client-side (JavaScript) accessible API to interact with Jupyter Lab, Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Hub (etc) kernels.
  2. A capability to update the ipynb state of a given notebook dynamically from the code executed within the notebook in order to store metadata properties (which are already valid within the ipynb format) while that notebook is live.

I'm still waiting for forum response about feature 2, but it's clear from this and other threads across this and other Jupyter repos & forums that feature 1 faces some challenges in terms of continued support. Mostly those threads are closed (hopefully not forgotten) and there are others voicing support for some version of these features. The purpose of this post is just to figure out where that is headed (is seems uncertain) and what the general consensus of the maintainers currently is about this.


Maybe these things can be done with extensions, but I haven't found any yet which do them, much less reliably across Notebook / Hub / Lab platforms.

jtpio commented 1 year ago

Linking to https://github.com/jupyterlab/richoutput-js which might help address such use cases across Jupyter frontends in a more consistent and documented manner.

:warning: this is still a very young project and might still be subject to major changes.

jt0dd commented 1 year ago

@jtpio Does this address the exposure of the Jupyter JS application & access to execute python in the notebook's kernel via javascript (such as IPython.notebook.kernel.execute)? Is there any clear direction on the continued support of that feature? I haven't seen a clear answer about how this will work in the future.

jtpio commented 1 year ago

@jt0dd the goal is to provide a consistent minimal API so different frontends (JupyterLab / Notebook, Colab, VS Code) can implement a specific mime renderer and give this kind of "escape hatch" to notebook authors. It's still not clear what and how globals will be accessed from the user code but the idea would indeed be to allow for manipulating UI elements or kernel states via the sharedState (https://github.com/jupyterlab/richoutput-js#richoutput-js).

Again this is still very early and will be iterated on, but worth bringing here as a way to avoid bringing back globals like IPython, Jupyter, jquery from the classic notebook.

jtpio commented 1 year ago

We discussed this issue with @jasongrout during JupyterCon 2023 and figured it would indeed be useful to offer some (even partial) compatibility with older classic notebook v6 extensions.

Also discussed in https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/6307#issuecomment-1483594846.

Jason created a small repo to demo some of these: https://github.com/jasongrout/nbactions

Maybe this could be iterated on and published as a separate (third-party) extension, that end users and adminstrators could add to the Jupyter install? And then be deprecated / removed in Notebook 8.

Another approach would be to add more examples to https://github.com/jupyterlab/extension-examples. For example focused on migrating from Classic Notebook 6 extensions to Notebook 7.

@echarles @RRosio @ericsnekbytes is that something you would be interested in working on? Thanks!

echarles commented 1 year ago

@echarles @RRosio @ericsnekbytes is that something you would be interested in working on? Thanks!

This topic was interestingly the first question further to our Notebook 7 talk at JupyterCon. I have also discussed similar needs with @jmshea who were looking to find back in JupyterLab the ease of access to the notebook model from any javascript (not from an extension). We will discuss that and see how we can contribute. I guess the most important question is "until where do we want to go": an extension seem like a good option for that, then what API do we agree to expose ?

psychemedia commented 1 year ago

@jtpio FWIW, I blogged the process I went through as a not-developer trying to port a classic notebook extension: https://blog.ouseful.info/tag/jl-extension-notes/

jtpio commented 1 year ago

I guess the most important question is "until where do we want to go": an extension seem like a good option for that, then what API do we agree to expose ?

Probably it would be fine to start small like Jason did with https://github.com/jasongrout/nbactions. And then add more if needed.

echarles commented 1 year ago

I wonder if we could do this in https://github.com/jupyter/notebook_shim - That sounds to me like a good place, any feedback on this proposal cc/ @Zsailer ?

jtpio commented 1 year ago

I think it's important to keep such extension really separate since notebook_shim is installed by default: https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/blob/855822d648f5de2c82e5cbe1e57e6fd589aea360/pyproject.toml#L37

jtpio commented 1 year ago

Linking to https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/170 as related.

Again if such extension would exist then it would be better to keep it separate.