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move CHCS storage delegate to real key-value store #16

Closed minrk closed 3 days ago

minrk commented 2 months ago

The CHCS storage delegate is currently backed by AWS SecretManager. While this works and was quick to get off the ground with nothing to deploy, this isn't really appropriate for a read/write key-value store. For a variety of reasons, but not least of which is that the whole secret must be written at once.

We should move to a 'real' key-value store, but that requires picking and deploying one.

The key-value store is responsible for storing sensitive information, specifically:

Since we are on AWS, probably the simplest to deploy is DynamoDB. But if we want JupyterHealth to be portable, we should probably include deploying a generic KV store. Logical choices:

minrk commented 2 weeks ago

After discussing with @yuvipanda and @0mar, we are going to go with postgres on Amazon RDS for this. Since this can be encrypted at rest, we should not need the secondary encryption between the client and the database that the default sqlite storage delegate requires. @surfdoc @jpp9 can either of you confirm that?

surfdoc commented 2 weeks ago

@minrk It is probably a good idea to put a meeting together to discuss the new architecture and design for the MVP before you begin your work. It will be quite a bit different than the pre-MVP. Can you send me your availability next week and I will set up a meeting.

minrk commented 2 weeks ago

I am available at our weekly meeting on Wednesday. As much as possible, I'd like to do design discussions in writing here or elsewhere so async folks can participate. Is that possible? I think there may be room to discuss this at this Friday's meeting, too.

surfdoc commented 2 weeks ago

No problem. I think it would be good to have a deeper technical discussion into the architecture and data flow so I am working on setting that up for next week's software meeting. We can record it and make it available here and then we can post the docs here as well to maintain the async communication. We can definitely walk through at a high level during Friday's meeting as well.

minrk commented 2 weeks ago

Sounds great! Right now we're just setting up infrastructure we need to explore things, so not making any serious design decisions yet. Hopefully we'll be better prepared to have those conversations soon.

minrk commented 3 days ago

Closing this since the MVP architecture won't require us to operate a KV store, and we don't need to scale up the pre-MVP architecture in the meantime.