jupyterhub / kubespawner

Kubernetes spawner for JupyterHub
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
536 stars 301 forks source link

extra_container_config not reflecting #346

Closed vinayjain15 closed 4 years ago

vinayjain15 commented 4 years ago

Team, I am new to kubespawner and was trying to add environment variables so that notebook can utilize GPU. The environment variables come from config map gpu-env which exists. I added following line under Spawner Options in jupyter_config.py and restarted jupyter pod and then tried to create a new user notebook which spawned the notebook successfully but it did not pick up the environment variables from gpu-env configmap. May be I am missing a step here. I could not find anything in the logs.

# Set extra container configuration variables for GPU

c.KubeSpawner.environment = {
    "envFrom": [{
        "configMapRef": {
            "name": "gpu-env"

c.KubeSpawner.extra_container_config = {
    "envFrom": [{
        "configMapRef": {
            "name": "gpu-env"

jupyter_config.py Snippet (it is part of config map jupyter-config):

import os

from importlib.util import spec_from_file_location, module_from_spec

from jhub_remote_user_authenticator.remote_user_auth import    

SERVICE_ACCOUNT_SECRET_MOUNT = '/var/run/secrets/sa'

# Import the UI-specific Spawner

spec = spec_from_file_location('spawner', '/etc/config/spawner.py')

spawner = module_from_spec(spec)



# JupyterHub Options


c.JupyterHub.ip = ''

c.JupyterHub.hub_ip = ''

# Don't try to cleanup servers on exit - since in general for k8s, we want

# the hub to be able to restart without losing user containers

c.JupyterHub.cleanup_servers = False



# Spawner Options


c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = spawner.KubeFormSpawner

c.KubeSpawner.cmd = 'start-singleuser.sh'

c.KubeSpawner.args = ['--allow-root']

# gpu images are very large ~15GB. need a large timeout.

c.KubeSpawner.start_timeout = 60 * 30

# Increase timeout to 5 minutes to avoid HTTP 500 errors on JupyterHub

c.KubeSpawner.http_timeout = 60 * 5

# Set extra container configuration variables for GPU

c.KubeSpawner.environment = {
    "envFrom": [{
        "configMapRef": {
            "name": "gpu-env"

c.KubeSpawner.extra_container_config = {
    "envFrom": [{
        "configMapRef": {
            "name": "gpu-env"

# Volume setup

c.KubeSpawner.singleuser_uid = 1000

c.KubeSpawner.singleuser_fs_gid = 100

c.KubeSpawner.singleuser_working_dir = '/home/jovyan'

# Allow environment vars to override uid and gid.

# This allows local host path mounts to be read/writable

env_uid = os.environ.get('NOTEBOOK_UID')

if env_uid:
  c.KubeSpawner.singleuser_uid = int(env_uid)
env_gid = os.environ.get('NOTEBOOK_GID')

if env_gid:
  c.KubeSpawner.singleuser_fs_gid = int(env_gid)
access_local_fs = os.environ.get('ACCESS_LOCAL_FS')

if access_local_fs == 'true':

  def modify_pod_hook(spawner, pod):
    pod.spec.containers[0].lifecycle = {
        'postStart': {
            'exec': {
                'command': [
                    'ln', '-s', '/mnt/local-notebooks',
    return pod

  c.KubeSpawner.modify_pod_hook = modify_pod_hook


# Persistent volume options


# Set user_storage_pvc_ensure to False to prevent KubeSpawner from handling

# We natively handle PVCs via KubeFormSpawner and its dedicated methods

# NOTE: user_storage_pvc_ensure has been deprecated in a future release

c.KubeSpawner.storage_pvc_ensure = False

c.KubeSpawner.user_storage_pvc_ensure = False

volumes = []

volume_mounts = []

gcp_secret_name = os.environ.get('GCP_SECRET_NAME')

if gcp_secret_name:
      'name': gcp_secret_name,
      'secret': {
          'secretName': gcp_secret_name,
      'name': gcp_secret_name,

c.KubeSpawner.volumes = volumes

c.KubeSpawner.volume_mounts = volume_mounts

storage_class = None

if os.environ.get('STORAGE_CLASS') != 'null':
  storage_class = os.environ.get('STORAGE_CLASS')

rok_secret_name = ''

if os.environ.get('ROK_SECRET_NAME') != 'null':
  rok_secret_name = os.environ.get('ROK_SECRET_NAME')

# Set both service_account and singleuser_service_account because

# singleuser_service_account has been deprecated in a future release

c.KubeSpawner.service_account = 'jupyter-notebook'

c.KubeSpawner.singleuser_service_account = 'jupyter-notebook'

# Authenticator

if os.environ.get('KF_AUTHENTICATOR') == 'iap':
  c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = RemoteUserAuthenticator
  c.RemoteUserAuthenticator.header_name = 'x-goog-authenticated-user-email'
  c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = 'dummyauthenticator.DummyAuthenticator'

if os.environ.get('DEFAULT_JUPYTERLAB').lower() == 'true':
  c.KubeSpawner.default_url = '/lab'

# Set extra spawner configuration variables

c.KubeSpawner.extra_spawner_config = {
    'gcp_secret_name': gcp_secret_name,
    'storage_class': storage_class,
    'rok_secret_name': rok_secret_name,
vinayjain15 commented 4 years ago

environement: kubeflow 0.5.0 on Openshift 3.11 (kubernetes v1.11.0+d4cacc0)

vinayjain15 commented 4 years ago

closing as kubeflow 0.5 doesn't use jupyterhub.