jupyterhub / kubespawner

Kubernetes spawner for JupyterHub
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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KubeIngressProxy, using make_ingress -> can't import V1beta1Ingress #347

Closed retypuj closed 4 years ago

retypuj commented 4 years ago


I want JupyterHub to create a service and ingress automatically for every new user/pod. So I wrote in my jupyterhub_config.py:

from kubespawner import KubeIngressProxy
c.JupyterHub.proxy_class = KubeIngressProxy
C.KubeIngressProxy.should_start = False  # because we don't have a start method

But now I can't start JupyterHub: ImportError: cannot import name 'V1beta1Ingress'

What I've tried:

How can I fix this?

kuromt commented 4 years ago

Are you using kubespawner 0.10.1?

I install kubespawnerv0.10.1 and it uses kubernetes==10.0.1, but python client's Ingress API is changed from 10.0.0.a. https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/blob/release-10.0/CHANGELOG.md#v1000a1

How about install kubernetes==9.0.1?

retypuj commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I actually solved the issue by just renaming the kubernetes.client.models import in objects.py of kubespawner. I'm using kubernetes latest.

from kubernetes.client.models import (
    V1Pod, V1PodSpec, V1PodSecurityContext,
    V1Volume, V1VolumeMount,
    V1Container, V1ContainerPort, V1SecurityContext, V1EnvVar, V1ResourceRequirements, V1Lifecycle,
    V1PersistentVolumeClaim, V1PersistentVolumeClaimSpec,
    V1Endpoints, V1EndpointSubset, V1EndpointAddress, V1EndpointPort,
    V1Service, V1ServiceSpec, V1ServicePort,
    V1NodeAffinity, V1NodeSelector, V1NodeSelectorTerm, V1PreferredSchedulingTerm, V1NodeSelectorRequirement,
    V1PodAffinity, V1PodAntiAffinity, V1WeightedPodAffinityTerm, V1PodAffinityTerm,
    ExtensionsV1beta1Ingress as V1beta1Ingress, 
    ExtensionsV1beta1IngressSpec as V1beta1IngressSpec, 
    ExtensionsV1beta1IngressRule as V1beta1IngressRule,
    ExtensionsV1beta1HTTPIngressRuleValue as V1beta1HTTPIngressRuleValue, 
    ExtensionsV1beta1HTTPIngressPath as V1beta1HTTPIngressPath,
    ExtensionsV1beta1IngressBackend as V1beta1IngressBackend,