Cloning a Git repository for an authenticated server can be achieved with a repository URL of the form "https://login:token@hostname/path.git". When using an token with a limited validated period, the initial cloning with nbgitpuller is successful, but subsequent synchronizations fails. Indeed, the initial token was stored into local repository settings and is no more valid and the new one transmitted by a new call to nbgitpuller is ignored.
That PR proposes to update the repository remote URL before an repository update.
That change is done if required and only URL credentials are updated, hostname and repository path can't be updated.
Cloning a Git repository for an authenticated server can be achieved with a repository URL of the form "https://login:token@hostname/path.git". When using an token with a limited validated period, the initial cloning with nbgitpuller is successful, but subsequent synchronizations fails. Indeed, the initial token was stored into local repository settings and is no more valid and the new one transmitted by a new call to nbgitpuller is ignored.
That PR proposes to update the repository remote URL before an repository update.
That change is done if required and only URL credentials are updated, hostname and repository path can't be updated.