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Applying for and distributing money as Project Binder #147

Open betatim opened 5 years ago

betatim commented 5 years ago

Do we need to do something to allow the project to apply for funds, receive and spend them for work related to Binder?

To make this concrete (and yet totally made up): there is a grant/funding that projects can apply to obtain funds to "train open source maintainers in the art of good written communication" which is then spent on training or buying books or ... The money goes to the project and from there pays the training bill.

Another example is the nteract project which can and does apply for funds, receives them and then uses them to pay for things. They do this via being a Numfocus project.

I think we should be able to apply as "Binder Project" instead of "Tim Head, Binder Project". It gives things more clout. Also it avoids a whole host of complications related to taxes, money sloshing around private accounts, etc.

The question is: do we need to do anything or is all this already possible (but underused/unknown how) via the fact that Binder is a subproject of Jupyter which is a Numfocus project?

choldgraf commented 5 years ago

From a legal perspective, I don't think so. We should ask the Jupyter steering council but I think that the machinery is already there to take in money as "the project". The main thing I don't understand are what kind of norms exist in Jupyter around people doing this. E.g. I dunno if it'd be frowned upon for a subset of the jupyter community to use the name and accept something "as jupyter"

betatim commented 5 years ago

Sounds like the way forward is for us to apply to something, get the money and see what happens when we try and spend it ;)