A rebuild of quay.io/jupyterhub/k8s-singleuser-sample has been found to influence the detected vulnerabilities! This PR will trigger a rebuild because it has updated a comment in the Dockerfile.
This scan for known vulnerabilities has been made by aquasecurity/trivy. Trivy was configured to filter the vulnerabilities with the following settings:
ignore-unfixed: true
Before trying to rebuild the image, the following vulnerabilities was detected in quay.io/jupyterhub/k8s-singleuser-sample:4.0.1-0.dev.git.6865.hcdaf9424.
A rebuild of
has been found to influence the detected vulnerabilities! This PR will trigger a rebuild because it has updated a comment in the Dockerfile.About
This scan for known vulnerabilities has been made by aquasecurity/trivy. Trivy was configured to filter the vulnerabilities with the following settings:
Before trying to rebuild the image, the following vulnerabilities was detected in