Open SylvainCorlay opened 5 years ago
That looks really nice! Thanks for the pointer. I support making this, I don't have time to do it at the moment.
I am a big +1 on a non-github location for team compass material (as in, on a website instead of just in a repository). It's useful to have an archive of "useful team information" that is easier to explore and search than a github repository.
I think it's a good idea for publishing info (meeting minutes, dates/times of meetings, etc.). I still like using github issues for discussion, though. For example, we couldn't collaborate on #19 very easily on a static website.
It does bring up the point, though: I think instead of our weekly meeting minutes being in issues, perhaps they should be actual files in this repo.
@jasongrout yep I agree. I think the right balance is to use a static site for "helpful information, team practices, minutes, etc" and to use issues for conversations or actionable items. That's what we do in jupyterhub land
For reference the jhub website is on readthedocs:
A note from a silent observer: the GitHub format works great for me because I can choose to "watch" and get notifications. In theory, I can also silence specific issues (by unsubscribing). I really want to stay up to date but have no time to visit a site regularly. I guess that if the static website would be hosted/generated from GitHub the notifications would keep working, but in other case staying up-to-date could be a slight problem (like would we need a newsletter then?).
I can choose to "watch" and get notifications.
Thank you. That's a very good point.
Hey, did you guys think of using github pages for the lab team compass.
We (just) started doing so for Voilà: and plan on including more content as we go.