jupyterlab / jupyter-collaboration

A Jupyter Server Extension Providing Support for Y Documents
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Connection lost after (about) one minute #366

Open imerelli opened 4 hours ago

imerelli commented 4 hours ago

Hi, when using Jupyter-collaboration on Jupyverse, it seems that staying disconnected for more than about 60 seconds while computing causes the connection to the server to be lost. I’ve done some tests to confirm this. If the page is kept open, everything works fine. If you disconnect for 30 seconds, it works fine. If you stay disconnected for some minutes but the computation lasts for less than 60 seconds, it still works fine. But beyond about 60 seconds of computation in which you are disconnected, the connection that returns the output is lost. Is it possible that there’s an intrinsic timeout somewhere? I’m attaching a screenshot of what happens. I lunched the code, disconnected after few seconds and then reconnected after some minutes, in the first case the output is truncated, while in the second the output is fine.

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 12 41 38 Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 12 42 13

Here my configuration (and thanks again for the help in setting this up).

pip list | grep jupy
fps_jupyterlab              0.6.2
jupyter_client              8.6.3
jupyter-collaboration       3.0.0b6
jupyter-collaboration-ui    1.0.0b6
jupyter_core                5.7.2
jupyter-docprovider         1.0.0b6
jupyter-events              0.10.0
jupyter-lsp                 2.2.5
jupyter_server              2.14.2
jupyter_server_fileid       0.9.3
jupyter_server_terminals    0.5.3
jupyter-server-ydoc         1.0.0b6
jupyter-ydoc                3.0.0a8
jupyterlab                  4.2.5
jupyterlab_pygments         0.3.0
jupyterlab_server           2.27.3
jupyverse                   0.6.2
jupyverse_api               0.6.2
davidbrochart commented 2 hours ago

Why are you using pre-releases of jupyter-collaboration and jupyter-ydoc? Also, how do you launch jupyverse?